How can I get rid of a headache without using medicine

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Identify headache type. Put your feet in a bucket of hot water for about 15 minutes while applying a ice pack to your head. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I get rid of a headache without using medicine
Is it possible to get rid of a headache without using medicine??
Yep. If it’s not a heavy one, that is. Drinking lots of water helps. A very simple technique is to breathe in one nostril, then out the other. Keep it up for a while. It usually works with light headaches.
What are some ways to get rid of headaches WITHOUT using medicine…?
Drink water. Move to a dark, quiet place. Rest in bed. Avoid foods that are known headache triggers. Update: For some people, caffeine is a headache trigger or makes their headaches worse. For others, especially people who consume a lot of …
Is there any other ways to get rid of headaches without using any…?
Peppermint oil rubbed on the temples. It only works temporarily. (About 10 minutes) I just use it while I’m waiting for the medicine to kick in for a really bad headache, but it is instant.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it possible to get rid of a headache without using medicine?
A: Yep. If it’s not a heavy one, that is.Drinking lots of water helps.A very simple technique is to breathe in one nostril, then out the other.Keep it up for a while.It usually works with light headaches.
is there any way to get rid of a headache without using medicine Tylenol ect.?
Q: Should I just take a nap or smothing?
A: For me the best thing is to get rid of anything stimulating: bright light, noise, smells. If that doesn’t work in about 20-30 minutes I will try massaging it away. Try googling “pressure points headache” to get a bunch of sites.Here is a good one as an example: one that often works best for me is just to rub my tounge on the roof of my mouth (I do this all the time at university when, you know, I can’t remove the annoying stimulus– aka professor, fellow students, etc.)But taking a nap also works well.My philosophy is avoid the pain meds! Take only as a last resort and only if nothing else is working and pain is to the point where you can’t tollerate it or drown it out by sleeping.And to prevent headaches? For me what has worked best has been giving up caffine, harder to wake up in the morning, but definelty fewer headaches during the day.*Edit* Forgot to say another quickie fix is to pinch the webbing between your thumb and forfinger (untill pain goes away- or, I usually give up after two minutes). This doesn’t always work, but sometimes it will do the trick.
How Do I get rid of a headache without using Medicine?
A: No one has said it yet…water!!! it is most comon it just clears you..headaches occur from lack of water some of the time anyway..stay hydrated 100%
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