How can I feel more rested with less sleep

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You should really get at least 8 hours a night but if you can’t pick at least one night a week to sleep longer to help catch up. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can I feel more rested with less sleep
Why do i feel more rested when i get less sleep?
If you’ve been running on 4 hours of sleep for a while, then it’s your Cicadian cycle trying to adjust itself. This is the thing in your biology that regulates your sleep cycle and your REM cycle. It’s what causes jet lag, and that hit-by-a…

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Why do i feel more rested when i get less sleep?
Q: When I go to sleep at 2 am and wake up at 6 am i feel more energized….but when I go to sleep at 10 pm and wake up at 6 I feel like I was hit by a truck and I don’t want to wake up
A: If you’ve been running on 4 hours of sleep for a while, then it’s your Cicadian cycle trying to adjust itself. This is the thing in your biology that regulates your sleep cycle and your REM cycle. It’s what causes jet lag, and that hit-by-a-truck feeling when you sleep more than you’re used to. I may have spelled that wrong. You could also have a really high metabolism….or, do you nap during the day? You’ll feel more tired if you interrupt a REM cycle, also. I find I’m more rested on an even number of hours of sleep than I am on an odd number….even if the even number is less than half the time of the odd number. I may be wrong on this account, but your body establishes a rhythm, called your biorhythm, and when you tinker with it, it screws you up. If you want to adjust your rhythm for some reason, keep to the cycle you want for about a month. On average, it takes about two to four weeks to reset your Cicadian cycle.Courtesy of my Navy Medic. 🙂
I have been sleeping more and feeling less rested, whats the deal?
Q: I used to sleep about 6-8 hours a night and feel fine the next day, but lately I have been sleeping about 9-10 hours and feeling lousy. I have this really vivid dreams that I cant separate from reality, which is why it is so hard for me to wake up. Could this be signs of something bad, like depression? Is there anything I can do to make myself sleep more like I used to?
A: its about having a sleep cycle, the body really wants about 8hrs, waking up tired is normal you just need to go to sleep and wake up around the same time every day where your body gets use to it
How can I be rested on less sleep?
Q: Right now my body needs 8-9 hours to feel rested, and there is just not enough time for that and work and other obligations. Is there a way I condition my body to live on 6 hours sleep?
A: Eating a well balanced diet should help. You’ll have more energy and feel less tired.
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