How can hepatitis be spread

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “How can hepatitis be spread”,you can compare them.

Hepatitis is a bloodborne virus, which means that it is spread by direct contact with the blood of an infected person. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How can hepatitis be spread
How Is Hepatitis Spread?
Hepatitis A is usually spread when a person ingests fecal matter—even in microscopic amounts—from contacts with objects, food, or drinks contaminated by the feces or stool from an infected person. Although anyone can get hepatitis A, some p…
What is hepatitis B and how is it spread?
Hepatitis B is liver inflammation (hepatitis) that is caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV). HBV is one of several viruses that cause viral hepatitis . Most individuals that are infected with HBV recover from the acute phase of the hepatiti…
Can hepatitis B be spread by food?
Unlike hepatitis A, another form of hepatitis, hepatitis B is not spread through food or water. If you had hepatitis A, it is still possible to get hepatitis B. If you had hepatitis C, another form of hepatitis that can be spread by contact…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How well does hepatitis spread?
Q: I was wondering if anyone could tell me how well hepatitis spreads? On a bank note I got from the machine might have had some blood on it, there was kind of a red mark along one of the side. It was slightly jagged but quite uniform so not sure if blood would make that kind of marking but was the colour blood could have been. I already used the note so just going by memory.Anyway how well does it spred, like it touched the other notes I got from the machine which i put in my pocket which touched my phone and hand which has cracked skin on it. Don’t think my hands directly touched the red mark. I’m kinda freaking out now that its touched a number of things I use frequantly. Can you get it this way? I have heard hepatitis can survive in dry blood for up to four days, HIV not so worried about as that only has a few seconds in dry blood, is my worrying justiyed or not?
A: I really don’t think you have anything to worry about. If the mark on the bank note was red, it was most likely ink and not blood and if you had no direct blood-to-blood contact with it, there’s no risk for contracting any of the hep viruses.
Can alcohol and drug induced hepatitis be spread through saliva to another person?
Q: My little grandaughter receives kisses from someone who was just diagnosed with alcohol induced hepatitis. I’m worried about him giving her kisses. Should I be worried that she might catch hepatitis from him? Serious answers please!
A: No, as was mentioned — it should be noted that while ‘hepatitis’ is most notably known as a liver *disease* that is often chronic.. (With B and C).. any system with the suffix ‘itis’ means inflammation of the system.This cannot be spread, because there is nothing to spread. Sort of like how hypertensive kidney failure cannot be spread.Just as a follow up there are vaccinations for two types of viral hepatitis.. and are recommended if anyone is involved in a high risk environment.
Are HIV and Hepatitis B spread by mosquitoes?
Q: Are invertebrate vectors capable of facilitating the spread of HIV or Hepatitis B between humans? If not why not, do you know of any research that investigates this possibility?
A: No, Mosquitoes cannot transmit HIV or Hep B. It is a virus which is spread DIRECTLY between human -to- human & when mosquitoes attempt to bite someone, they inject they’re saliva into you and not blood – this is why they transmit certain diseases know as West Nile Virus, Yellow Fever & Malaria.
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