How bad is prostate cancer

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Doctors studied a group of men with advanced prostate cancer. Their chances of survival were pretty bad, because their MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How bad is prostate cancer
How bad is prostate cancer?
It varies. Generally it’s not a wildfire like other forms of cancer you hear about. It’s very common in older men (most men in their 80’s have it but die from something else). There are tools on the web that can help you get a rough idea of…
How bad is my prostate cancer?
If you have prostate cancer then you want to know “will I be cured?” You may want to know if your cancer is slow growing enough to just ignore, or early enough to treat with a permanent seed implant or surgery. You might wonder w…
How can you tell how “bad” prostate cancer is??
Prostate biopsies are analyzed microscopically. Prostate cancer cells are ” graded ” based on how they look using the Gleason Grade from 1 to 5 and a cumulative Gleason Score from 2 to 10. Cells that look the most abnormal, and ty…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How bad is prostate cancer?
Q: I just found out my dad has prostate cancer. =(
A: It varies. Generally it’s not a wildfire like other forms of cancer you hear about. It’s very common in older men (most men in their 80’s have it but die from something else). There are tools on the web that can help you get a rough idea of the situation called the Partin and Han tables, as well as Uropredict. See “How to Estimate Your Prostate Cancer Cure Odds” at for a guide to these tools and more.Bottom line? If caught early, prostate cancer is nearly 100% curable. And even when it’s found too late for a cure, there are systemic treatments that can potentially work for many years, so that the cancer becomes a chronic but manageable disease, and the man lives out a normal lifespan and dies of something else.You might also be interested in “How to Find the Best Prostate Cancer Treatment for YOU” at Best wishes.
anybody out there with bad prostate cancer (Gleason 8 or more) who is cancer free and how did you do it?????
A: I have not had it but the info at the site below may help.
Can prostate cancer be worse for someone who already had multiple sclerosis?
Q: My father was diagnosed with prostate cancer on Friday. The doctor says it’s early and is extremely optimistic. I have read about it online and the prognosis looks good.Unfortunately, my father has multiple sclerosis that is pretty advanced as well. He was diagnosed over 25 years ago and is wheelchair bound. Will his multiple sclerosis have any effect on his prostate cancer prognosis?
A: Hi Ashley, I have had multiple sclerosis for twenty years now. Those of us with MS supposedly have compromised immune systems. As a consequence, we might have a more difficult time fighting off any other disease, inflammation or infection. That does not mean that we cannot survive cancer or any other disease. It simple means that we just might have a more difficult time. Many of us have a dual-diagnosis and live near normal life spans. My best wishes to you and your Dad.
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