How bad do braces hurt

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Usually after a braces adjustment, your teeth will be sore for a day or two. That annoyance could be relieved with an over-the-counter pain reliever if necessary. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How bad do braces hurt
Don’t worry, braces don’t hurt that bad. It’s proven that the younger you get your braces, the less pain you will experience. If you’re over 17, it might hurt a little more than if you were 11. Nothing major, you’ll just feel pain right aft…
They only hurt a week after you first get them on. And about 5 days after each time you get them tightened. It doesn’t hurt too bad, it’s just a lot of pressure and it’s hard to eat, so only eat soft foods. Braces actually aren’t that bad, …
i get braces in a week, and my friends all complain that they hurt like heck, but they all have extreme bad alignment cases and stuff. im only getting my top teeth braced, and its cuz i have a gap within my two front ones and they are too b…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How bad do braces hurt?
Q: i want to know haw bad braces hurt on a scale of 1-10 1 being a pinch and 10 being a punch in the face from a boxer without gloves.
A: its probably like a 5.its just feels like a lot of pressure in your mouth. but with the help of tylenol and stuff its like a 3 and it will go away in a few days. and if u bite down on ur teeth the pain subsides as well.but puting them on is completley painless
Do braces hurt bad, and what are good colors to get them in?
Q: Do they hurt really bad? does it irritate your gums? I have to get braces soon, and im afraid its going to hurt bad! Also, what are good colors to get braces in? I like blue….I saw some talking about Teal. is teal good?
A: When I first got my braces, I didn’t expect as much pain as they caused, because I just thought that they will be a little sore, but it deffinately is a reall experience. If you really don’t like tolerating pain, I suggest you take something, such as tylenol, or advil, or something to calm the pain before you go, or right after you get them on. Don’t worry though! The braces don’t hurt to get them on, but you will feel some pressure. It will start hurting within the next three hours, so try to stay away from hard foods the next couple of days :)Colors that are really nice with braces are Blues, and teal does look good 🙂 but light blue tends to fade and start turning greenish, so you might want to stay away from that. Also, silver is good if you don’t want them to be noticed. Navy Blue is also a great color, as well as red. Yellow though turns real funny into some other shade, and clear turns yellow if you don’t care for them. Good Luck with the Braces! Hope this helped!
Do braces hurt THAT bad? How long do you have to have em?
Q: I might be getting them, but I want them off by my senior year, I have spaces between my teeth, but overall my teeth are pretty straight, at least that’s what my dentist told me. Also, do they hurt bad, even with power chains?
A: The only time they hurt is when you get your braces tightened every month. It doesn’t last that long…I had to wear my braces for two years to close up the gap between my upper two front teeth…I think the length of time you have them all depends on what your dentist tells you. Good Luck!! 🙂
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