How are canker sores caused

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Doctors don’t know what causes canker sores, but they may be triggered by stress, poor nutrition, food allergies and menstruation. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “How are canker sores caused
What causes canker sores?
The cause of canker sores is not known. If your family members get canker sores, you may have a greater chance of getting them. Any of the following may increase your risk for having canker sores: Having a medical condition such as cancer o…
What is the cause of canker sores?
Canker sores are not due to an infection and are therefore not contagious. The actual cause is unknown, but many doctors believe that canker sores are due to a localized self-immunity that leads to destruction of lining tissues.
Can canker sores cause herpes?
A canker sore is not contagious. A cold sore is, though — it is caused by a form of herpes which can be transmitted to another person’s genitals in mouth-to-genital contact.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Are canker sores caused from eating too many sweets?
Q: I currently have two canker sores on the inside of my lips that are mildly painful and irritating. They are small ulcers. I drink too much pop and eat too many sweets. Does too much sugar consumption cause canker sore, or are they caused by something else? And are there any safe,inexpesive, and effective treatments to alleviate canker sores? Thanks.
A: Canker sores in the mouth, or cold sores, are caused from the same virus that causes fever blisters on the lip. It is a form of the herpes virus–herpes simlex 1, I’m thinking. They are not the same as genital herpes, although they are related in nature. I have them on occasion and I know how painful they can be. Usually they come on when your immune system is low or you haven’t been getting enough rest. And yes, diet can play a role–sweets as well as acidic foods. You can try taking Lysine (an amino acid), which can be bought at a health food store and probably a drug store, although you need to get a good brand for better purity. You can also ask your doctor for a prescription for Acyclovir (generic for Zovirax). I keep some on hand and they work wonders and they aren’t expensive. I had a case of shingles about 2 years ago and this was perscribed, although it didn’t do much for shingles, which are extremely painful. They are all in the herpes family, with shingles being caused from the herpes zoster virus which is related to the chicken pox virus (lies dormant in the nerve endings) and can reappear as shingles years later. The point of all this is to let you know that the herpes virus can cause different things. You need to get plenty of rest, eat properly and try and keep your immune system up. This isn’t always possible and I believe that some people are much more predisposed to this virus than others. I hope you feel better soon!
Can I prevent canker sores caused by acidic/citrusy foods?
Q: I’m tired of avoiding oranges and pineapples, for example, because of the canker sores they cause. Any supplements or remedies to prevent?
A: My advice is to always have water handy when you eat them–especially pineapple. Drink several glasses while you eat to rinse out your mouth from the acid.
What is a way to clear up canker sores caused by braces?
Q: I have braces, and the parts where the rubber bands hook on constantly give me terrible canker sores… After a while they heal up and dont hurt anymore, but I’ll still have like inch + long gashes in my mouth that dont heal for a while? Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix it? Thanks.
A: You have to let them heal on their own. Go to your dentist and get wax to put over the problem areas on your braces. I usually wore mine during the night time when I did not have to worry about people seeing me with huge chunks of white stuff on my teeth. If it you want to wear it during the day because they hurt really badly, just use a small amount. This stuff works wonders on preventing canker sores.P.s. It is safe to swallow (if you happen to do it at night).
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