Does sweat cause pimples

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does sweat cause pimples”,you can compare them.

Sweat can cause a condition called “portal occlusions,” which are red bumps caused by a combination of oil and sweat mixed MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does sweat cause pimples
Does sweat cause pimples?
Sweat contributes to acne but bacteria is the main culprit. Sweat traps dirt, oil, and bacteria in the skin thus, clogging the skin pores. When the pores become clogged the bacteria multiples and creates the pimples. Cleaning the area on a …
How can I prevent pimples caused from my boyfriend’s sweat drippi…?
First, acne is not contagious. It can’t be passed from one person to the next. Your case of post-coital (after sex) acne is coincidental. Also, acne exists in the sebaceous glands (oil-producing glands), whereas sweat is produced by the ecc…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does sweat cause pimples?
Q: I seem to have pimples on my chest and upper back as of late (it’s the hottest point in summer currently)
A: Sweat contributes to acne but bacteria is the main culprit. Sweat traps dirt, oil, and bacteria in the skin thus, clogging the skin pores. When the pores become clogged the bacteria multiples and creates the pimples. Cleaning the area on a regular basis will help the problem, but don’t over do it! Over-cleaning the skin will irritate it which will only make the problem worse. If you can, I’d suggest using something to help exfoliate the area once a week like a loofah. Try to avoid tight clothing or anything that stays close to the affected area like backpacks. You can also use products that have the same ingredients as typical facial acne treatments like salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide on the area. Other factors can also play into what causes acne. Things such as hormones, diet, stress, and many more can all add to the problem.
Does sweating cause pimples?
Q: Does sweating cause pimples? Someone told me that you get sweat pimples but I don’t know if they were lieing. I drink lots of water so would it clean out my skin?Thanks.
A: Yes. Sweat can cause a condition called “poral occlusions,” which are red bumps caused by a combination of oil and sweat mixed together, clogging your pores. The best way to treat this area is to shower with a gentle exfoliating wash after you work out. If you don’t have time to shower, at a minimum, wipe the excess perspiration from the skin with a moist towel, then blot the skin dry. Look for a spray that contains acne-fighting ingredients that you can apply before getting dressed.The best thing to do is just clean your skin immediately after sweating or physical exercise.
Can sweat cause pimples?
Q: during excersice i sweat a lot,true,my pimples still spreading it the sweat tat cause it?
A: sweating cleans ur pores out and reduces pimples.
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