Does popping your nuckles cause arthritis

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does popping your nuckles cause arthritis”,you can compare them.

Cracking your knuckles does not cause arthritis. Knuckle cracking is related to hand swelling and lower grip strength. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does popping your nuckles cause arthritis
What is arthritis?
Arthritis is a condition that causes pain and stiffness of the joints. Sometimes it also causes redness, swelling, and warmth. In severe cases, joints may become misshapen. There are different kinds of arthritis. Two common forms are osteoa…
Is popping your knuckles bad?
When you pop your knuckles it releases a vacuum in your finger and that’s what makes the noise. It is not bad for you, even though people say it will give you arthritis or something when you’re older. The only thing wrong with it is it irri…
Does popping your knuckles give you arthritis?
No this shouldn’t result in Arthritis but it may result (over a period of time) into muscular damage or even joint imflammation of the affected area.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

is it good or bad to crack your nuckles?
Q: i have heard that it can cause arthritis if you pop them too much, but i have also heard that it is good to pop them twice a day because they become more flexible. Which one is true?
A: Neither is true. Popping your knuckles constantly might eventually become addicting. The Real Deal on Cracking Your KnucklesWhat’s really happening when you “crack” your knuckles is that you are either pushing the joint back into or out of its normal position. Joints are the meeting points of two separate bones which are held together by connecting tissues and ligaments. A thick, clear lubricant (made mostly of carbon dioxide and some nitrogen) called synovial fluid is found between the bones. When you stretch or pull your finger to get that desired popping noise, you are causing the bones to pull apart. Pressure is reduced on the synovial fluid and bubbles form that quickly expand and then burst – which is why you get that noise. Does Knuckle Cracking Lead to Arthritis?Not everybody’s joints crack. Some people have a larger separation between the bones and some people can’t relax enough to allow the bones to separate. If you can crack and your mom tells you, you’re going to get arthritis, she’s just yanking your chain. There is no scientific evidence that cracking your knuckles leads to arthritis. However, it can’t be good to repeatedly push a joint beyond its normal physical range. Besides that, it’s annoying. Cracking your knuckles can cause a decrease in your grip but unless you’re signing any multi-million dollar contracts as a pitcher, it’s not worth giving up. But it’s still annoying.
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