Does magic mushrooms make your brain bleed

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There are no documented cases anywhere that verify mushrooms make your brain bleed. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does magic mushrooms make your brain bleed
Do ‘shrooms (magic mushrooms) make your brain bleed??
No, this drug absolutely does not make your brain bleed. There is no evidence whatsoever to support claims that it could cause a intracerebral hemorrhage or an aneurysm or a hemorrhagic stroke and anyone who tells you otherwise is telling y…
Is it true that magic mushrooms make your brain bleed?
No, but you probably loose a ton of brain cells, but then to use drugs there must be very few brain cells functioning anyway.
Do shrooms make your brain bleed?
i hate it when people give you false answers to things they dont know anything about. magic mushrooms or Psilocybe cubensis are like any other edible mushroom, however they contain psilocybin. now people are going to tell you that psilocybi…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do ‘shrooms (magic mushrooms) make your brain bleed?
Q: Everyone says that is why you experience hallucinations and what not. Is this true? If not, what exactly does cause hallucinations and stuff?
A: No, this drug absolutely does not make your brain bleed. There is no evidence whatsoever to support claims that it could cause a intracerebral hemorrhage or an aneurysm or a hemorrhagic stroke and anyone who tells you otherwise is telling you a horror story to scare you away from the drug or is simply uneducated enough to believe this nonsense.Psilocybin, from which our bodies derive Psilocin, is the active chemical in “magic” mushrooms. It is found in many different types of fungi, but mushrooms of the genus Psilocybe are most commonly consumed by those seeking the psychedelic experience we call a trip. Psilocybin is metabolized in the liver by monoamine oxidase, resulting in Psilocin, a 5-HT1A and 5-HT2A/2C agonist, if you’d like to do some reading and attempt to understand this more completely. The truth, however, is that despite whatever research has been done (and I shudder to think of the subjects of such), no psychologist can truly understand or explain what is really happening in the mind of the user and a chemical biologist, while able to explain what is happening on a molecular level, offers no real insight into the depth and complexity of the experience. Suffice it to say that the result of consuming this drug is ultimately a result of the manipulation of serotonin receptors. To go into any more detail, I’d need to get a degree to explain and you’d need one to understand.The important thing to understand here is that psilocybin does NOT make your brain bleed, however it is not to be trifled with. Psychedelics are serious stuff, much like a ring of keys by which many different doors of the mind may be opened. Make no mistake that we have little if any control as to which door will open and even less of what we will find inside. Be responsible. These drugs are not to be taken by minors, anyone with a prescription to an MAOI, or the feeble-minded.
Do either psilocybin or amanita muscaria mushrooms cause your brain to bleed?
Q: I heard a myth that magic mushrooms make your brain bleed and was wondering if this is true or not. Please cite credible sources, I don’t want to hear what a friend of a friend has to say.
A: No… neither dose LSD… compleate myth…it works by binding to seritonin recepters in the brain.
About Magic Mushrooms?
Q: K so I want to try shrooms, I have been told that they make your brain bleed. To what extent is this true? (Please don’t answer this unless you really know, actually any links you have would also be highly appreciated.)Thanks in advance guysciaoMadii
A: If you scroll down the answer is here along with other effects. It looks like it does not but, be educated and safe.
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