Does magic johnson have aids

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Magic Johnson retired from the NBA in 1992 after testing positive for the HIV virus, he has HIV but does not have AIDS. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does magic johnson have aids
Does Magic Johnson have AIDS?
A person that has HIV can live with medications for 10, 20, 30 or more years without even developing AIDS. Magic is on medications that suppress the virus by preventing the development of new viruses therefore slowing down the progression t…
How long has magic johnson had aids for?
he made his HIV status public in 1991, so he’s had HIV for at least 17 years. his disease has not yet progressed to an AIDS diagnoses.
How was Magic Johnson cured from aids?
Magic Johnson has the HIV Virus still in him. There are safety zones in your body where the meds cant get to the virus in. These are called your lymphocites. And with the technology we have we can only count the amount of virus in a blood s…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

does magic johnson still have the aids virus or anything that is connected to the aids virus?
Q: i totally heard that magic was cured. i looked online and have found mixed results. does anyone know of a website with proof or anything reliable?
A: not cured just filthy rich with good medication
does magic johnson really have AIDS?
Q: I’m kind of suspicous that magic johnson doesn’t really have AIDS beacuse 16 years have passed since he made his announcement to the world and he is still here. I’m just wondering why is eazy e dead and magic still alive. Couldn’t eazy have gotten the same treatment that magic got? It just makes absolutely no sense.
A: What I understand he has is the virus that causes AIDS. He doesn’t have full blown AIDS, just that it COULD become AIDS sometime in the future..I hear that many people have the virus and are still living for many, many years before falling ill.
Magic Johnson was diagnosed with aids in (1990). and Eazy-E had aids in (1995) How come eazy died?
Q: magic johnson had aids before Eazy-E did magic have HIV. and Eazy-E had full blown aids which can totally annihilate you in weeks. idk you tell me?
A: magic johnson was diagnosed with hiv, which is different from AIDS. In other words, it was too late for eazy-e to get the right medication since he had AIDS.
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