Does irritable bowel syndrome go away

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does irritable bowel syndrome go away”,you can compare them.

No, Irritable bowel syndrome does not ever go away. You can manage it with a variety of treatments, but it’ll always be there. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does irritable bowel syndrome go away
Does IBS(irritable bowel syndrome) ever go away??
It does not go away, but you can control it. My grandmother has to eat toast and cheese (the brick cheese) every morning, to ensure that she will not have an accident. She has been this way since she was like 25 or so. You are 15 so you sho…
Can Irritable bowel syndrome go away on its own?
Painful bowels, cramps and diarrhea are the hallmarks of IBS. Gastritis (i think) just means irritation and swelling in the gastrointestinal tract. I don’t know what all could be involved in that. Is your doctor now a specialist? Are the…
I have irritable bowel syndrome. Will that go away after surgery??
Irritable bowel syndrome is neither improved nor worsened by surgery.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does anyone have Irritable Bowel Syndrome? Does it ever go away?
Q: I’ve heard that it does go away from people that have had it, then I’ve heard people say they’ve had it for years. Which one is it? Is it both?Can I please just request answers from people that have this syndrome, or have dealt with it before? Thanks.
A: I was diagnosed with IBS a little over 2 yrs ago but I know i’ve had for a very long time. I have periods of remission where I have no symptoms and then there are periods of flare ups when it’s just not so great and i’m miserable. It’s something you have to get control over. Exercise. Watch your diet. See what it is that you may eat or drink that possibly triggers your symptoms. Like in my case, it’s dairy products and anything that is fatty. So I know to refrain from both unless I want to be sick. Stress levels also play a role. IBS does not go away, but you can manage it.
does IBS(irritable bowel syndrome) ever go away?
Q: i am 15 and i am really sick of having diarrhea and cramps.i usually get it around once a week, i get really bad cramps usually during the night, and its very annoying because im 15 and i want to have a life but this prevents me with the constant scare of, “oh my god what if i have to go” and im stuck in someone elses bathroom. does anyone have any experiences with IBS going away.i am on Rx for it but it doesnt seem to work very well. i am also taking Acidophilus to help diegestion, is that good?
A: It does not go away, but you can control it. My grandmother has to eat toast and cheese (the brick cheese) every morning, to ensure that she will not have an accident. She has been this way since she was like 25 or so. You are 15 so you should know what constipates you. Eat alot of whatever that is, and stay away from anything (like beans or lots of fruit) that will give you the runs. I hope this helps!
Can Irritable bowel syndrome go away on its own?
Q: I was diagnosed with Irritable bowel syndrome about 2 years ago after I went through a colonoscopy. Recently my doctor left my area and I had to find a new one. My new doctor ordered me yet another colonoscopy and a upper GI because of more problems I have been having. So the new colonoscope didn’t show that I had irritable bowel syndrome.It was normal, tho I still have painful bowels, cramps, and diarrhea. But now my new doctor tells me I have gastritis of the stomach. And now im taking yet more meds. Im losing faith in the medical community slowly because it seems like I being bounced around from one thing to another and still in pain. So can irritable bowel syndrome go away on its own or be misdiagnosed? Or should I be worried that im being misdiagnosed now as well? Im so confused.
A: It is comonly misdiagnosed. There are many different GI problems that mimic irritable bowel syndrome. A common one is intestinal parasites. Have they tested you for this? I believe it can go away on it’s own. Good luck, I’m kind of going through the same thing right now. Very frustrating!
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