Does chlamydia make a burning sensation when urinating

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Does chlamydia make a burning sensation when urinating”,you can compare them.

Yes. Other symptoms of chlamydia are abnormal vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, and low back pain. Some people have no symptoms. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does chlamydia make a burning sensation when urinating
WHen you have chlamydia . . .? when you have chlamydia do you alw…?
Some people never show symptoms of chlamydia. But, if you already have a burning sensation, I can’t imagine that it would come and go.

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i have a burning sensation after urinating but me and my partener have been tested.?
Q: when we got our results they came positive for chlamydia… we got treated for it and followed wat the doctors told us… its been 4 months and the burning came back.. could it be an STD again?
A: Dysuria, or discomfort with urination, can be a symptom of several different possibilities. These include urinary tract infections, STDs (including chlamydia, gonorrhea), vaginitis (such as a yeast infection), as well as non-infectious causes (including hormonal, chemical irritants).Regardless, you should discuss your symptoms with your doctor.
chlamydia urinating. for men does it really burn. like i’ve heard it smells and it is extremely painful.
Q: I know every guy has a tiny burning sensation when he pees. I’ve always had it since i was little. its just the sense of peeing. and everyone tells me i would know if i had it because it burns like hell. If you have it you get the symptoms. everyone does. none of that only 50% bullcrap
A: No, chlamydia doesn’t make your urine smell strange.And no, the majority of men with chlamydia have no symptoms, or symptoms so mild that they don’t think anything of it. The classic description of chlamydia is that it’s “like p*ssing razor blades”, but in fact it doesn’t affect most men like that.
WHen you have chlamydia . . .?
Q: when you have chlamydia do you always have a burning sensation when you urinate ?Okay i know its a symptom but i wanna know if always .If you have chlamydia . . . can it be shown in a urine test ?
A: Some people never show symptoms of chlamydia. But, if you already have a burning sensation, I can’t imagine that it would come and go.
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