Does aids come in a can

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No, Aids do not come in a can! The first recognised cases of AIDS occurred in the USA in the early 1980s. At this time, AIDS did not yet have a name, but it quickly became obvious that all the men were suffering from a common syndrome. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Does aids come in a can
Where did Aids come from?
It isn’t 100% known where AIDs comes from and how humans got it. Monkeys carry a similar virus to HIV, called SIV, which causes AIDs in monkeys. What is weird is SIV doesn’t cause AIDs in humans, and HIV doens’t cause AIDs in monkeys. The H…
How did AIDS come about?
Heres what I think but I could be wrong. I think that someones government(not sure whos) was trying to create diseases that could cause a sort of “chemical war fare” just testing different diseases on monkies to see what would h…
Did Aids Come From Animals?
Aids effects animals in same way as they effects humans. Most common reason for AIDS is considered to be transmitted through Unsafe Intercourse both for Animals and Humans. In case of Animals(Mostly Carnivores), especially living in Jungles…

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Does anyone know where aids come from?
Q: I was just wanting to know. Thanks.
A: The Green Monkey in Africa. Many tribes over there eat the monkey and they figure that’s who it made the jump from monkey to humans
How come does AIDS or HIV infect by Sexual intercourse? in which way?
Q: I mean, if no bleeding occured during sexual intercourse, still we get Aids? How come? Because as far as I know, it doesnt pass through salva or kissing.. so If there is no bleeding, we still certainly get aids from a persons vagina liquids.. Is there a chance of NOT to get infected by HIV, after an unprotected intercourse??? For example as someone’s blood or sexual liquids contacts your skin(including penis skin), do we definitely get infected by HIV, or only when our skin is broken during contact? Thanks..
A: Even if there is no bleeding, HIV can be transmitted during sexual intercourse. The virus is present not only in blood, but in semen and vaginal fluids. It is also transmitted through breaks in the mucous membranes, even if there is no obvious bleeding. The odds of NOT contracting HIV in a single act of unprotected sexual intercourse are higher than the odds of contracting it; depending on where inthe world you are, the viral load of the infected person, immunecompetency, and other things like whether there was any breaks/trauma in skin/mucous membranes.In short, YES you can contract HIV in a single unprotected act of sex, but whether you do depends on many factors, as mentioned above. Odds range from 1 chance in 500 to 1 in 3000 depedning. Hope this helps.
Where does AIDS/HIV come from its origination ?
Q: Ok so is aids man made?And is it caused by men going with men, then going with a woman and not washing?Could a couple (hetrosexual) make this diesease by going anal then having straight sex (entering vagina area) ?If a woman wiped front to back would they catch it themselves?Anything but want to know where it originated from and how its made?
A: Scientists think that it first showed up in African animals, who transfered it to humans. Since it is transmitted by blood or intercourse, lets just say that someone got too close to the animals. Once loose in the human population, it is easily transmittable through unprotected sex. A couple can’t “make” the disease, but if one of them has it, he/she can give it to their partner by exchanging bodily fluids. A person’s homo/hetero status is irrelevant. A woman wiping back to front could potentially give herself a urinary tract infection, but not AIDS. HIV/AIDS is also transmitted through blood, which is why the Red Cross now screens donors very, very carefully.
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