Do you throw up when you are dehydrated

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Dehydration is the most important complication of persistent vomiting. You generally will not throw up when you are dehydrated. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do you throw up when you are dehydrated
Why do people throw up when they get dehydrated??
Usually people get dehydrated because they have vomited too much, not the other way around. You can continue to vomit despite being dehydrated, if you try to eat or drink things that irritate the stomach though. The reason is the stomach ne…
Do you throw up because you’re dehydrated. Or, are you dehydrated…?
You throw up because your dehydrated. Try drinking energy drinks. Really makes you feel better. Eg. Gatorade.
Should I worry that my child will become dehydrated when she thro…?
A baby can become dehydrated very quickly. But if the vomiting and diarrhea are both really bad, dehydration can occur rapidly in a child of any age. Signs include crankiness, not eating, not urinating as often as usual, dry mouth and thirs…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do people throw up when they get dehydrated?
Q: it just seems weird because if you are dehydrated your body should do everything it can to keep water, not get rid of it.
A: Usually people get dehydrated because they have vomited too much, not the other way around. You can continue to vomit despite being dehydrated, if you try to eat or drink things that irritate the stomach though. The reason is the stomach needs to rest, and you need to stick to small amounts of water for a while. Most folks panic and think they need to eat, and they also try to drink everything but water- or they will drink it in huge amounts too rapidly. The body does try to conserve what it can, which is why a dehydrated person doesn’t usually feel like doing much except lying there and sleeping, and the kidney function gets scaled back as well. Eventually the cause of the vomiting will get sorted out, and thirst will replenish the liquid needed.
dehydrated and yellow throw up?
Q: is it natural to throw up yellow stuff(which i know is suppose to be bile) when dehydrated? because i have had a major lack of intrest in food, and when i eat i tend to feel overly full after just a little bit of food. also i drink ALOT and i still seem to be dehydrated. i sweat in my sleep, like i can feel the sweat rolling down my body at night. i have started vommiting this morning, i have been like this for a week. what should i do?
A: I think you are throwing up stomach acid since there is nothing on your stomach. You need to see a doctor if you have been like this for a week. It sounds like you have some kind of virus.
Why do people throw up when they’ve had to much alcohol?
Q: Is it because alcohol makes you dehydrated or is it because of something else?
A: Your body it trying to get rid of the poisons, you tried to put into your body.
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