Do I have HIV

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Do I have HIV”,you can compare them.

When first infected with HIV, you may have no signs or symptoms at all. The only way to know for sure is to get tested. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do I have HIV
“Non-reactive” indicates that no antibodies to HIV were found in the sample you provided for testing. However, it can take some time for people to build up enough antibodies to be detected in the testing, so if your possible expos…
in the last four months for a yeast infection that will not go away. The last time I could have been exposed to HIV was EXACTLY FOUR MONTHS AGO, which was around the same time my yeast infection began. The only way I could have gotten HIV, …
No ones going to say you have HIV over the net, in your mind you may be convinced that it’s the most likely possibility I know that’s the bind I’m in right now.. Are you sure what you have is thrush? Swollen lymph nodes are a sign of inf…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Do i have HIV or Something?
Q: Hm ok ive had some reddish areas and dry around the tip of the head is something worng?? it doesnt burn when i pee and sometimes the shaft would get itch? i just wanna kno yur thoughts thank youthanks ilooked up jock itch and ithink thats the problem is there any way to cure this without seing a doctor?
A: If you go to the doctor be honest about your sexual history. You could have chlamidya or gonorrhea, or it could be something as simple as jock itch. All are curable if you get the proper treatment from the doctor! Wear condoms to help prevent this in the future!
my girl wants to have unprotected sex but i dont want to, i need to tell her without hurting her feelings?
Q: I’ve been seeing this girl for over a month now and we’re pretty comfortable with each other and intimate and she asked me if i wanted not to use a condom or use a lambskin condom which is thinner and has enhanced pleasure for both, but i hear those do not protect against hiv or STDS and i been wanting to build up the nerve to ask her, for both of us to go get checked just for precautions but i feel she will take it the wrong way.
A: defoooo, get checked. above is right… if she doesn’t want to get checked she most likely has got something to hide.. but it’s no fair for her to almost “preasure” you into having unprotected sex… im sure if she likes you alot, as much as you like her. She will understand and take your feelings into perspective. goodluck! (:
If I have recently been tested for STI’s and HIV and am clean, does that also mean that my partner is clean?
Q: So if I’m clean and I have been having sex with the same person for 4 months, does that mean he is clean too? So will this eliminate him needing to be tested right?
A: No, for sure, he will need to because 1) he might have had sex with someone else 2) he has it and you dontmake him be tested and never have sex before you are sure he is not ill.
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