Do headaches have anything to do with pregnancies

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Do headaches have anything to do with pregnancies”,you can compare them.

Experiencing headaches during pregnancy is one of the most common discomforts and complaints. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do headaches have anything to do with pregnancies
What causes headaches during pregnancy?
Experiencing headaches during pregnancy is one of the most common discomforts and complaints. Headaches may occur at any time during your pregnancy, but they tend to be most common during the first and third trimesters. Experiencing headach…
Is headache a sign of pregnancy?
I suffered horrible migraines throughout both of my pregnancies. They disappeared as soon as I delivered. Pregnancy headaches are most commonly the result of hormonal changes. The only way to know for sure is to take a pregnancy test. If yo…
How to Treat Headaches During Pregnancy
Headaches during pregnancy are often caused by dehydration, so it’s important for pregnant women with headaches to immediately drink one to two glasses of water. Discover why it’s okay to take…

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does soar throught, headaches, random stuffy nose have to do anything bout pregnancy?
Q: i have some other symptoms – but im not sure if im prego yet. but does soar throught / headaches / random stuffy nose apart of the side effects?
A: Oh yes! All are symptoms, I am 16 weeks.. last week I had a sinus issue, I am stuffy all the time and have headaches daily. I never had headaches before I was pregnant. It has a lot to do with increased blood flow.
What do you do for your pregnancy headaches and weird tastes in your mouth?
Q: I keep getting bad headaches. Tylenol just doesn’t work. I also have a weird taste in my mouth. Even when I haven’t eatten anything. I am 7 weeks pregnant. This is my 4th pregnancy. I just don’t remember headaches this bad or the wierd taste from before.
A: it sounds weird but try drinking a coke sometimes the sugar can help the headache go away!! and the taste i always get some ginger snap cookies and this makes it go away for me!!!
Where you prescribed medication for your headaches during pregnancy?
Q: I am 15 weeks pregnant and have been getting severe headaches for the last couple of weeks. They have gotten to the point where they now make me nauseous and make me throw up. So eating or even drinking is really hard. I know you are not supposed to take anything other than Tylenol, but that is not helping at all so I am out of options. I have a hard time functioning sometimes. I am calling my doctor in a little bit but I wanted to know ahead of time what others where prescribed and if it has helped. Please any information would be great.
A: At 15 weeks you can take Ibuprofen too. (It’s only contraindicated during the third trimester.)If that doesn’t help, do call your doctor. There are MANY prescription pain meds that are considered safe during pregnancy. (It’s not true that ‘you can only take Tylenol.’)
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