Do eye lashes grow back

Health related question in topics Biology Science Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “Do eye lashes grow back”,you can compare them.

Yes! Eyelashes are like other hairs on your body. They have a specific growth cycle that keeps them growing regularly. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Do eye lashes grow back
Do your eye lashes grow back?
Eyelashes take about four to eight weeks to grow back, so I suggest not using the false eyelashes for a little while ( if you want them to grow back )
Do Eyelashes Grow Back?
They typically grow back, although many patients note that their lashes seem more sparse than they were before the conditions and subsequent treatments. Trauma to the eye region, such as a burn, cut or blow can also damage hair follicles pe…
How long does it take eyelashes to grow back?
2 years for all to grow back cause i knew a girl who pulled out all her eyelashes (and put them in a bible) you can try this Natural Eyelash Growth Understanding natural eyelash growth and eyelashes anatomy will help …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How can I make my eye lashes grow back faster?
Q: I use an eyelash curler and it ripped out a chunk of my eyelashes, how can I help my eye lashes grow faster and while their growing back make the chunk of missing eyelashes not as noticable??!?!
A: you can get single false lashes to fill in the gap they’ll grow back on their own, I think they all fall out over time anyway in cycles of 6 weeks or something. So they should be back in like a month.
Will my eye lashes grow back if they are plucked out after I get the giant white eyelash?
Q: I get thes giant think Eye Lashes every so often and I pluck them. DO Eyelashes grow back after they are plucked. and if so, would it be the gamma ray type one of the great white or a regular one in its place?I don’t pluck my eyebrows. I do only when I get the a mutated one which is thick and white.
A: I have had a couple of those they are annoying but they fall out on their own within a month or so and they do grow back their regular color. As for growing back after plucking if you pull them out by the root they will not grow back.
Will my eye lashes grow back?
Q: Ok well, I didnt listen to my mom and wore mascara every day. It truly made my eye lashes prettier. But my eye lashes have been slowly getting stumpier, and shorter, Now without mascara, they look horrid.Will my eye lashes grow back? They used to be so long. =/Oh what i mean is the only way i can wipe off the mascara at night is by rubbing hard on my eyes, which shorten them.Oh what i mean is the only way i can wipe off the mascara at night is by rubbing hard on my eyes, which shorten them.
A: see what happens when you don’t listen to your mom
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