Can your poop be blue

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can your poop be blue”,you can compare them.

Various forms of copper oxide or cupric oxide form blue-green tones. Foods like shellfish can do this. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can your poop be blue
Can your poop be blue?
it is becase if they poop blue its somthing they ate or drank
Is blue poop healthy?
Normally, no. The child possibly ate crayons or some such. If it continues, go to the doctor, but it seems like something that will pass.
Why is my poop green-blue?
Don’t sweat it, The same thing happens if you eat black licorace. Causes of black colored stools (known as melena) could be from: – acidified blood – blood from higher in the digestive tract – iron supplements or foods high in iron – Pept…

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Q: when we eat cupcake like blue or green color cupcake then sometimes our poop come blue or green color. WHY?
A: Because it has dyes in it you can get it from eating fruit loops too=p
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A: thats just like if you would eat beats for a week straight.. you would be peeing purple…. no lie… do that before a piss test and see what they say!!
is your poop supposed to be blue during pregnancy?
Q: because i am 6 months pregnant and my poop is blue and mushy almost all the time. is anyone else experiencing discoloration in their stools/feces?
A: My guess is that it has something to do with what you’re eating.
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