Can you swallow your tounge

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you swallow your tounge”,you can compare them.

It is not possible to swallow your tongue. Thanks for asking ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you swallow your tounge
Can you swallow your tounge?
No I can’t, but at least I can spell it.
Can you ever swallow your tounge?
It is completely impossible because your tongue is attached to you.
What happens when you swallow a mettal tounge ring?
Hopefully, you will defecate the ring without any problems. However, sometimes foreign objects can become lodged in the GI tract and cause serious problems. For the next few days, examine your stools to make sure that you have passed the ri…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can You swallow your tounge,While having seizers?
Q: Can You swallow your tounge,While having seizers?I’m not so sure.
A: No. That’s an old wives’ tale.
Is It True That U Can Swallow Your Tounge?
A: It is not totally swallowed but in certain positions if your facial and tongue muscles relax enough, the tongue can fall back into the throat resulting in suffocation.
whats the difference between desolving suboxone under your tounge and swallowing it?
Q: For some reason or another my doctor and his nurse told me to let the suboxone tablets desolve under my tounge.They kept stressing not to swallow them.Why is that?Is there more of an intense effect if you let them desolve under your tounge or swallow them?Or is it because they might make me sick or something?I’ve never heard of this kind of thing.
A: The medication is best absorbed by letting it dissolve under your tongue. You must do it this way in order for the medication to be effective. Here’s more information about suboxone: Make sure to follow precisely the directions given you by the doc and the nurse.
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