Can you swallow your tongue

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Biology Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you swallow your tongue”,you can compare them.

Under your tongue the connective tissue the frenulum prevents you from swallowing your tongue, so you cannot swallow your tongue. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you swallow your tongue
yes you can swallow your tongue, ebven if jenni nickson says you cant
you cannot pyhsically swollow your tongue but when you are unconcious or fitting the muscles relax and the tongue can fall backwards causing an obstruction in the airway. to resolve this you must tilt the head right back and this will allow…
No, but my boyfriend can. He can pull his tounge up and into his sinus cavity…very weird byproduct of too much free time.

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A: It is not possible to swallow your tongue. The way it is connected i.e the muscles and ligatures stop it from actually being able to fall back into your throat. You can have the feeling of swallowing it if your head was in a certain position or you tongue started to swell [as when you were stung or had an allergic reaction] or if you were grossly over weight and you fell asleep with your head back your tongue might fall back and restrict your air ways.
Is it true if you swallow your tongue you will die?
Q: I have always heard that but never knew if it was true or not if you swallowed your tongue I would think you can pull it out of your throat.But just wondering.
A: No, it is not true. To swallow something, you have to have it pass down the pharynx & esophagus before it enters the stomach. The tongue is a muscle which is attached to the muscles of the hyoid bone, mandible, styloid process, and pharynx.
what causes you to swallow your tongue?
Q: your tongue is the bodys most powerful muscle so therefore how is it so easily swallowed, why isnt it strong enough to withstand going down the throat? Does something in the body create a vacuum that the strength of the tongue cant fight…say the oesophagus? Havent got a clue on this on!
A: You CAN’T swallow your tongue, the muscle relaxes as does all muscles when unconscious and when it is relaxed it flops backwards and blocks the airway.
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