Can you poop acid

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you poop acid”,you can compare them.

Yes, it is common to have some acid in your feces. Lithocholic acid is found in small traces in human bile. ChaCha for now! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you poop acid
Is bird poop acid?
Yes. 😛 Not like burn-your-face-off acid, but it does have uric acid, since they don’t urinate. It may even damage the paint on a car a bit if it isn’t washed off at some point.
What did this bird poop acid. what can i do now .
Bird droppings can be highly acidic and eat through the clear coat quickly. Fixing the problem depends on how deep the etching is. If you already cleaned the area and and can still see the etching I would say it is at least a light to heavy…
Would giving my dog an acid reducer make his poop flourescent gre…?
If your dog is in Kidney Failure, I would call your vet and ask if it’s ok to give him anything. The vet knows your dogs situation better than anyone here does and would be the best to advice you on what you can and cannot do.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

would giving my dog an acid reducer make his poop flourescent green?
Q: If this is the reason could someone explain to me why? He is in kidney failure, can giving him acid reducer hurt his kidneys? Also if anyone out there has any recipes I could cook for him I would appreciate it. He is a 12 year old min pin thanks for any help
A: If your dog is in Kidney Failure, I would call your vet and ask if it’s ok to give him anything. The vet knows your dogs situation better than anyone here does and would be the best to advice you on what you can and cannot do.
Acid Poop?
Q: I have a sixteen month old son. Throughout his young life, he sometimes gets what my husband and I call ‘acid poop’. Its yellow and watery and has an almost yeast like smell. If he poops his diaper at night, the next morning his bottom is blistered. We’ve never had a problem with diaper rash with him. This seems more like a burn than a rash. I had a doctor give me a prescription ointment once for yeast infection for him. The ointment didn’t seem to work that well. We leave his diaper off for awhile and it clears up. Has anyone else had this problem or know what causes it?
A: It could be what your baby is eating. Try more whole milk, more rice and bananas. Give him less tomatoe, you know, it cook be intolerencies to milk. Ask your doctor if he is lactose intolerant. Forget the milk buit try thr others listed. If you give him juice water it down 2/3 and only give one cup a day. stick to water and tea, white tea is best. Really check out the milk issue, or other food intolerancies
HELP!?! I have what feels like acid poop during pregnancy. It hurts so badly?
Q: Okay. I’m not trying to be crud but I am desperate for some answers and help! All day my poop has come out feeling like acid.. burning. It’s not diarrhea but it is extremely soft. What is the cause of poop that burns during pregnancy?How do I prevent and stop it?I drink a ton of water, juice, and milk. I eat very simple, nonspicy foods. I don’t eat greasy foods.. in fact I boil all meats. Help me! I am so miserable. please help!
A: It could possibly be that you have hemorrhoids, lots of expectant moms do. It will burn when you have a bowel movement. Try a gentle baby wipe instead of toilet paper, and preparation H, or a diaper ointment. Juice might not be such a good idea. When pregnant, always call your doctor to ask questions because there are so many possibilities that we may not be aware of.
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