Can you keep your eyes open while you sneeze

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Biology .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you keep your eyes open while you sneeze”,you can compare them.

Yes, you can keep your eyes open, if you focus entirely on keeping them open while you sneeze. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you keep your eyes open while you sneeze
Can you keep your eyes open while sneezing?
It was tested, and busted on the show, but with what seemed to be great difficulty. While you can sneeze with your eyes open, is a natural reflex to close your eyes. In their test, they held their eyes open, sneezed, and nothing happened.
Why we can not keep our eyes open while sneezing??
AHHH – CHOO! If you just sneezed, something was probably irritating or tickling the inside of your nose. Sneezing, also called sternutation, is your body’s way of removing an irritation from your nose. When the inside of your nose gets a ti…
What is the reason that people can’t keep their eyes open while s…?
The medical term for a sneeze is the “sternutatory reflex”. Almost all animals sneeze. A sneeze helps clear the nose and sinus regions while injecting oxygen into the cells of the body. A sniff does much the same thing. Nevertheless, a snee…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

why is it impossible to keep your eyes open while you sneeze?
Q: somewhere i read it is impossible to keep your eyes open while you sneeze. would you please tell me why?
A: That’s because the pressure when you sneeze could make your eyes pop out.
Is it possible to keep your eyes open while you sneeze?
Q: i have heard that you cannot keep your eyes open, and i attempted it, but i can’t keep my eyes open. Can someone give me reason for that, a true and logical explanation?
A: Everyone has reflexes. For example, when you hit your finger against something, the simply obvious reaction is to go ouch and grab onto it. Just like that, when a person sneezes, most have tendencies to close their eyes, it’s just a reflex. However, some people can keep their eyes open. This means that they have control over their reflexes to a certain degree.
Is it physically possible to keep your eyes open while you sneeze?
A: It is almost impossible for a person to keep their eyelids open during a sneeze, although some rare individuals report having little if any trouble doing so.The sneeze center makes all these muscles work in just the right order, to send that irritating particle out of your nose — at speeds up to 100 mph
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