Can you get sick from being cold

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you get sick from being cold”,you can compare them.

Prolonged exposure to very cold weather could lower your immune system’s defenses, leaving you vulnerable to bacteria and viruses. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get sick from being cold
Can you get sick from being cold ?
If you’re referring to getting the common cold from cold weather, the answer is no. You can only get a cold from a cold virus. The reason we get more colds in the winter is because we are more confined to the indoors during this period (esp…
Do kids get sick from being cold?
no i hate when people say that. how you get sick is from a virus its not from being sick
Can you really get sick from being in a cold environment??
recent medical studies have shown that people in cold environments are less likely to become ill, because fewer germ are able to live in colder atmospheres. So as long as you keep your body temperature above a level where it becomes stressf…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can dogs get sick from being in the cold for too long?
Q: Now that its winter, i obviously can’t have her outside for her potty breaks for too long, huh? But anyway can dogs get sick like us from being in the cold?
A: Well,not sick,but they can get hypothermia and frostbite if they are not used to the cold or have a thin hair coat. And toy breeds like Chihuahuas and Min Pins can’t last long in the cold at all.The same is true for very yong puppies and elderly dogs. But just a potty break isn’t going to do anything,and the dog wil let you know when it wants to go in ( it will shiver,lift it’s feet,etc.)
How can I prevent myself from being sick ( cold ) ?
Q: Its winter and every year I get sick this year I dont wanna get sick. Its really annoying when you cant go working out cuz your sick
A: You can get a flu shot which will help. Another big thing is to wash your hands and not just for a few seconds either. It sounds a little funny but the length of time you should wash your hands in the length that it takes you to sing the abc song. Most stores now have the anti bacterial wipes that you can wipe down the carts handle which is awesome. I also carry a antibacterial hand sanitizer in my purse or if your a guy you can leave it in your car, desk etc. Make sure you are getting your vitamin c as well. Good luck!
Can you really get sick from being in a cold environment?
Q: In my room, I keep a fan running (usually on high) all night long and sometimes when I’m sitting at my computer, like right now. The fan is about three and a half feet tall (an oscillating fan), and it’s right next to my computer station. My hands and nose are cold when I’m in my room, and so are my feet, unless I pull on a favorite sweatshirt and cover up with a blanket. At night, I sleep with four layers of blankets and surround myself with a few, too. My question is, could I get sick in these conditions? I’ve kept it this way for about three or four years now.I haven’t been sick with anything the average human doesn’t get; sinus problems, allergies…I did have strept throat last year, but it went away and didn’t come back.
A: recent medical studies have shown that people in cold environments are less likely to become ill, because fewer germ are able to live in colder atmospheres. So as long as you keep your body temperature above a level where it becomes stressful to your system, you are less likely to get sick in a colder environment
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