Can you get AIDS from open mouth kissing

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Kissing is usually considered safe as saliva does not pass HIV. There may be a slight risk if there are open sores in the mouth. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get AIDS from open mouth kissing
Can you get AIDS from open-mouth kissing?
Open-mouthed kissing is considered to be a very low risk activity for transmission of HIV. However, open sores or cuts within the mouth increase this risk.
Can I get AIDS from open-mouth kissing?
On the Cheek : HIV is not transmitted casually, so kissing on the cheek is very safe. Even if the other person has the virus, your unbroken skin is a good barrier. No one has become infected from such ordinary social contact as dry kisses, …
Can I get AIDS from someone’s saliva? Can I get AIDS from open-mo…?
Basic Answer: AIDS (a result of HIV infection) is caused by a virus (HIV). There are no known cases of saliva by itself spreading HIV (the virus that causes AIDS). However, because there could be a risk of blood contact during prolonged ope…

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Q: Both the National Institutes of Health and the Centers for Disease Control clearly state that the aids virus is found in the saliva of aids patients. For that reason, they both recommend that “open mouth” kissing be discouraged with those carrying the aids virus. Needless to say, oral sex is very risky in such situations.I only pose this question in spite of the obvious answer because it’s amazing the responses I am reading in this forum. Hopefully individuals asking sincere, serious questions relating to their health will also check with their health practitioner.I only pose this question in spite of the obvious answer because it’s amazing the responses I am reading in this forum. Hopefully individuals asking sincere, serious questions relating to their health will also check with their health practitioner.I only pose this question in spite of the obvious answer because it’s amazing the responses I am reading in this forum. Hopefully individuals asking sincere, serious questions relating to their health will also check with their health practitioner.
A: in that case. i think u’ve answered your own question. if they transfer aids through saliva as well as sex. then it wouldn’t be a good idea to risk it.
can a open mouth kiss between two hiv uninfected people cause aids or hiv???
A: No, there can be no viral transmission between two people who do not have the virus. To get HIV/AIDS someone has to have the virus.
In an open mouth kiss if neither of the people are uninfected and if one of them has a partial bleeding?
Q: In an open mouth kiss if neither of the people are uninfected and if one of them has a partial bleeding gum then can that cause hiv or aids?
A: neither person is infected? or neither person is uninfected? Im sorry, but that doesnt make sense.If neither of you have it, it wont spring out from nowhere.If both of you have it, it doesnt matter
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