Can you get aids from misquitos

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It is remotely possible but very unlikely. The mosquito would have to bite someone with HIV, pick up an HIV particle, MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you get aids from misquitos
Can you get AIDS from mosquito bites?
No. The results of experiments and observations of insect biting behavior indicate that when an insect bites a person, it does not inject its own or a previously bitten person’s or animal’s blood into the next person bitten. Rather, it in…
Can you get aids from a mosquito?
No. From the start of the HIV epidemic there has been concern about HIV transmission from biting and bloodsucking insects, such as mosquitoes. However, studies conducted by the CDC and elsewhere have shown no evidence of HIV transmission fr…
Can I get AIDS from a mosquito bite?
One of the most prevalent myths about HIV transmission is that mosquitoes or other bloodsucking insects can infect you. There is no scientific evidence to support this claim. To see why mosquitos don’t aid in the transmission of HIV, we can…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can you get AIDS HIV from misquitos? If no why not?
A: That is how Aids orginally spread. It was first monkeys who where infected in Africa and where bitten by mosquitoes who spread the virus.So theoratically speaking you can, however the chances of that happening is very rare since first the mosquito must have suckd blood from an HIV carrier, secondly that same mosquito lands on someone who doesnt have it and suck out some more blood. Given the life cycle of mosquiotes. (They only live a couple of days) Chances are very slim but it could happen
Why is West Nile Virus and Malaria contracted by misquitos but the Aids virus isn’t?
Q: Why is it that we can get West Nile Virus and Malaria from Misquitos but not the HIV virus?I’d really like to know the difference and why this can’t happen?Get over itI see that makes perfect sense!Who gives all these thumbs down?Geesh…..
A: This is due to what is known as virulity. I am not well enough versed in the subject, nor is their space here, to explain the mechanics of virulity adequately. Just be greatfull that AIDS can’t be spread so casually; but also realise that it isn’t impossible that it could conceivably evolve to be. I would suggest browsing the Atlanta Centers for Disease Control & Prevention for more information on this subject. Also, try the National Academy of Sciences.
Why dont you get it from misquitos?
Q: okay so im not a re and i know about AIDS and stuff…but today i was wondering,….if you can get AIDS from sharing needles….why can’t you get it from misquitos??? i mean, you can get other diseases like molaria from misquitos but why not AIDS???i know this is a weird question but can someone answer it for me?
A: This is a perfect situation to explain to people how difficult is truly is to catch HIV. The virus does not live long outside the body; that is why mosquitos don’t transmit it.HIV can only be caught through direct blood to blood or body fluid contact, not from toilet seats, door knobs, or drinking glasses.
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