Can you die from extacy

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Recreation .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you die from extacy”,you can compare them.

You can certainly overdose on ecstacy with deadly consequences. Thanks for asking ChaCha! Have a great day! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you die from extacy
Can you die from ecstacy?
Yes, you can die from ectasy. All kind of drugs (including alcohol) can kill you. It all depends on your overall health. The most common way is overdosing, in which your heart can’t process all of the drug and it just “stops”. It …
How to make ecstasy?
You didn’t search hard enough. There is three synths on erowid. All of them have been posted here at least three times. That is nine posts that you missed with the information you want. Search the erowid vault, you will find what your looki…
How harmful is Ecstasy?
WHAT with angry parents, alarming headlines and crusading politicians proclaiming the dangers of MDMA—a recreational drug more commonly known as Ecstasy—it takes a brave, or foolhardy, individual to go against the grain. Jon Cole, an addict…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Why do people die from trying extacy their first time?
Q: They say alcohol is more dangerous than XTC so why don’t people die from drinking alcohol their first time?
A: you can die from drinking alcohol the first time. its called alcohol poisoning. but ones tolerance isn’t very high when they drink the first time so they are unable to get to the point of being poisoned, and if they do they usually puke it up. and it all depends on if you the batch of E is good. as long as its not mixed with a bunch of potentially dangerous combining drugs you’ll be fine, and as long as you don’t take too much you’ll be fine, and also its always good to buy from a trusted source.
can you die from doing extacy the first time? and what is it like?
Q: ?
A: yes you can die from doing it the first time. you could have an allergic reaction and your airway could close, and extasy is known to raise the bodies core temperature so high that it effects your brain and you can start to seize and die.
what are the chances of a 13 year old dieing from extacy?
Q: ok straight to the point my friend is 13 and he wants to try extacy (pinger pill) and hes worried about dieing so yeah anyone have any answers
A: Its certain he will die. If youre a good friend do not let him do it. If you know he is going to do that and he dies, you could be held responsible. Don’t let it happen.
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