Can you die from a urinary track infection

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you die from a urinary track infection”,you can compare them.

Yes, If the disorder is not treated in proper time, it may lead to kidney dysfunction and death. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you die from a urinary track infection
Can you die from a urinary track infection.?
It’s not likely that you would die from a UTI, but it is possible. If left untreated, it can spread to your kidneys. A kidney infection will make you very ill, and it if you don’t get antibiotics it could be fatal. I had a kidney infection …
How do you get a urinary track infection?
Well, there are many reasons that you can get a urinary tract infection. The other contributors have listed several common ways that bacteria is introduced to the urinary tract. But sometimes, it doesn’t matter what you do. I have taken sho…
How to cure an urinary track infection?
drink lots of fluids (water would be best) and take antibiotics atleast 2 times a day if it is more serious and proceeds to pain you in anyway, go to your doctor and and antibiotics will be injected straight into your blood strean

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

can you die from a urinary track infection.?
A: It’s not likely that you would die from a UTI, but it is possible. If left untreated, it can spread to your kidneys. A kidney infection will make you very ill, and it if you don’t get antibiotics it could be fatal. I had a kidney infection once and I felt like I was going to die! I waited way too long to go to the doctor because I didn’t realize what it was. If you are experiencing low back pain or a fever you should seek medical attention ASAP.
HELP ME: is my mom going to die from this?
Q: Okay; Last night my mom was in so much pain she hurt so bad that she started squeling and screaming, she was going to go to the emergency room but it cost too much; so she went to the docter. The docter told her that she had ALOT of blood in her urine. I looked it up and its called a urinary track infection?! Can she die from this? what do i need to know? I’m super scared because i dont want my momm to die 🙁
A: you cant die from a uti. they are very common in women. 50% get them in there life time. you can google uti and it will give you all of the info you need. hope your mom gets better.
How can you tell if someone unresponsive is really dying?
Q: My grandmother has been in and out of the hospital over several years. The past year she has been in a convalescent home before that we were told she is to the point she will be back in forth in the hospital. She has had a horrible bedsore on her hip for over a year and it has gotten worse, she has had kidney and urinary track infections as well as a blood and staph infection. They say she has got the death rattle and are giving her comfort care which includes oxygen. She has a DNR and I feel perhaps we should discontinue the oxygen but some of the family who is not ready want to keep her on it. It does not seem she will come out of this. Has anyone had this experience?
A: Please contact your grandmother’s physician and request hospice care immediately. Oxygen is a comfort measure. It does not prolong life in these situations. Taking her off oxygen will make little difference in how much longer she has to live, but it will make her much more comfortable as her body continues its natural cascade of events in the dying process.
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