Can you die from a papercut

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can you die from a papercut”,you can compare them.

If you have paper cut all over your body, yes, you can die from the vast lost of blood. That chance is very petite. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can you die from a papercut
How many people have died from a paper cut actual statistics plea…?
150 people have died from a paper cut not really, but probably 10
Is it possible to bleed to death from a paper cut?
The condition is called hemophilia. It is an inherited disorder so you’re either born with it or you’re not, you can’t suddenly get it. Even with this disorder it’s highly unlikely to bleed to death, especially from a paper cut.
Can you die from a paper cut?
Indeed you can, The peice of paper might have an infectious desiese that you can die from:o

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I’ve just gotten a papercut that I shall certainly die from…so what should I leave to you?
Q: It can be anything…just let me know before I bleed to death :[
A: well first get a band aid… and if you still believe you’re gonna die… then may i have your cell phone. and… if you have a goldfish or a cat or something… idk. and any food that you have in your house. b/c i love food. and … i’ll take nay money that you have… and any christmas presents that ur parents were planning to give you..jk. *srry bout ur paper cut! kiss it better!
Can anyone make up a better expression than, “dying of a papercut”, for message I am trying to convey?
Q: I am trying to think of a term that would convey the message of a person that was caught at a weak point and then medically mistreated and kept at the sick/weak point for many years as a result. The person would have self healed if left alone. The person is still in the state and unable to work/take college classes, etc. because of it. Can someone think of a better expression than “dying of a papercut”?or “slowly bleeding to death from a paper cut”, maybe
A: Hmm.. Maybe you could say the person was a victim of circumstance.
Would you rather die 2 years from now or….?
Q: 40 years from now however if so you’ll die from a funny ridiculous death could be (papercut, death during sex ANYTHING stupid!) that would go on the media so you’ll be known for your death and even though u wouldn’t care (cuz u’re dead) ppl would laugh at u when they hear ur name…so which one is it?I would die LATER even though its an embarassing death, I wanna live
A: 40 years from now. But it must be by being trampled to death by a army of flaming couches. People would say “-sniff- oh that poor poor girl, did you know she died from eating a leather belt?” Because nobody would believe the truth, because couches cannot walk.Thank you for your time. 🙂
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