Can periods last for only one day

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Can periods last for only one day”,you can compare them.

Many females have periods that last only one day. There can be several different reasons for this. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can periods last for only one day
Why did my period only last one day?
Check with your doctors. Maybe something happened to your tube. Or it could just be your body. Periods can get pretty crazy sometimes!
Why would your period only last one day?
It could be several reasons. I would first wonder if you were getting enough nutrition or exercising excessively. Women often loose their period or have a very light period if they are not getting enough fuel to their body. My second though…
Are you ovulating if your periods only last one day?
You may be. The cheapest way to find out is to buy a fertility thermometer from the pharamcy and follow the instructions. Alternatively you can go to the doctor and ask for a hormonal blood test. If you DON’T want to get pregnant use contra…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

i had two periods last month one in the begging and one at end and i only had a one day period the next month?
Q: i had two periods last month, one on the first then one at the end. the next month i had only a one day period thats it. im never had one like this. what r the chances of being pregnant. i had a 6 day period and a 6 day period last month, does anybody know the answer to my question.
A: You might ask yourself did I have sex between periods!?If not then your system might be out of wack, then wait and see what the next month does before you think you have a cycle problem! If you had sex also wait and see what the next month brings before you see a doctor!!
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Q: my period usually lasts 3-4 days, but the last few times its only lasted 1 day, and very light. i should be regular by know because ive had it over 3 years. what could this mean?ps. there is no chance im pregnant.
A: Because you’re the luckiest person ever.
last 2 periods lasted one day. Due next one in 10 days but have period pains now?
Q: My last 2 periods have lsted 1 day but the cramps stay the duration. Now im due next period in 10 days and im already having cramps plus i have a discharge like water. What could this mean?Breasts have also got a big bigger i think!
A: how old are u? Maybe menopause
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