Can i go pee

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Sure, if you have the need, an appropriate restroom, and aren’t suppose to ask your teacher instead of me! ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can i go pee
How do you go pee?
You just let it flow Let it run down your leg.
Why does it burn when i go pee?
You may have either a bladder infection, urinary tract infection, kidney problems or it could be the symptoms of an std. If you really want to know get tested for stds by your doctor and include a test for herpes just in case, herpes is not…
Do you have to go pee ?

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do i get my puppy to go pee on the pee pads?
Q: I just got a 6 week old puppy and he just stops and goes where ever he wants. I layed out a puppy pad and everytime he’d go somewhere else I’d bring him to the pad. I even rubbed the pad on some of the spots where he went so he could get the scent on his pee and know where to go. He still doesnt go there. I layed out newspapers in other areas and he wont go on there either. I even bought that stuff to put on the pads and newspapers to lead them to the spot. What do I do?
A: First, the pee pads need to be left in the same spot. The dog needs to be brought to that spot, not the pad brought to the dog. This will help your dog learn to use them more quickly.Second If the dog is alone all day…….(crate training is a must for pups so they won’t get into trouble)…bring the dog from the crate, say hi, then directly to the pad. Keep them on the pad, and stay there until the dog pees. My dog’s pottie pad’s are in a corner, so two walls surround it. I held a baby gate at the 3rd side, and sat across the fourth the dog was literally trapped on the pad.If you have been gone awhile or all day, and your dog has held it, it will be easy. The dog is ready to go. Head to the pad with the dog. *Not* outside!Stay there until the dog goes pottie. Then praise your dog boisterously, and give the dog a great treat! It shouldn’t take long for the dog to pee. Once they do it once….and you encourage and praise it… will be an easy ride from there.Repeat the next day…continue for a week. the rest is history!Note, at this critical time….the most important thing is to take the dog immediatley to the pottie pad…not outside first! Your dog will naturally go outside…you don’t need to teach that. When you come home…take the dog to the pad…immediately!Once the dog learns what the pottie pad is for…….*then* you can pottie the dog outside after work. The dog will most likely prefer the outside…but will know the pads are an option, at that point.This process can be speeded along if you:1. Go to petsmart and buy a clicker at the cash registar for $1.502. go to and read the easy link on clicker training.3. clicker train your dog (it’s *very* easy)!4. click and treat your dog when they pee on the pads.After note…if your dog learns to pee there…it will learn that it is okay to do # 2 there also. The dog is learning it is *safe* to go there to do it’s business.2nd After note. After your dog is potty pad trained….buy the people bed pads from Sam’s club. The cost the same, for 4 X’s the pads. Good luck!
How do I train my 3 month old puppy to go outside to pee?
Q: My puppy won’t go pee or poop outside. I discipline him when he does it inside, but he doesn’t make any signs by the door that he wants to go outside. How to I teach him? its way harder than I thought.
A: Most puppies have to “potty” 15 to 20 minutes after they eat. Watch your puppy and see approx. how long he takes before he has to go. Then when you see how long it is taking him to have to pee, just take him out a few minutes before it is his time to go. He should pee outside.He may just be used to peeing inside, and may take a while to go. Be patient until he does pee outside. Then when he does go outside, give him praise a happy excited voice. When he goes inside, keep up with the negitave reactions ie: stern tone of voice “bad boy”, “no” etc.If none of theese work, you may have to get a crate. The crate must be only big enough for the puppy to stand and turn around comfortably. They won’t use the bathroom where they have to lay. If it’s too big, he’ll pee in there. Leave him in it after he eats and repeat the steps above. When he comes back put him back in… don’t give in and let him out when he whines and cries. Take him out about every hour or two and when he pees outside give lots of praise. I have trained many pups this way and it works. It just takes time and patients. Good luck, and enjoy your new puppy!
How do I get my 2 1/2 year old daughter to go pee pee on the potty?
Q: She has been going number 2 on the potty for almost 6 months, but she won’t go pee. I have put her on at what I consider prime times that she should have to go and even bought the cool pull ups to try to make her uncomfortable, but nothing is working. Any tips would be greatly appreciated.
A: Try this… this help 🙂 Good Luck!
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