Can humans get diseases from animals

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can humans get diseases from animals”,you can compare them.

Yes. As of recently, humans have been infected with Swine Flu and Bird Flu by direct exposure to the animals. ChaCha! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can humans get diseases from animals
Can animals get diseases that humans have?
Specific viruses are often usually species specific. Bacteria spread easily from species to species. Certain parasites attack many species of beings.
Why do humans get so many types of sexually transmitted diseases …?
There’s a number or reasons for the APPARENT high incidence of STDs in humans: 1/ Sex is a common and easily studied activity among humans, unlike animals to whom we don’t have the same motivation to study in this aspect. 2/ Humans are able…
Can animal get a disease that humans get?
by sawboy_buck Yes, they can. A disease that can be transmitted from animals to humans, and vice-versa, is called a zoonosis . Here is a list of some of the known zoonoses: Anthrax Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) Bolivian hemorrhagic fever Bru…

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What diseases can/cannot be passed from humans to animals and vice versa?
Q: I do believe that the cold and flu viruses can be passed to dogs and cats, am I correct? What about everything else like certain diseases…specifically hepetitis, aids, anything contagious from human to human…. say for example if a bird bites a human who has hepititis, can the bird get it then pass it on to another human if they bite another human?i understand there is a very wide range of both diseases and animals, but could you please just share what you know specifically? thanks
A: I”am not sure we humans can pass any to animals but there is several animals can pass to us.Dogs cats sheep cows pigs horses goats snakes fish and wild animals as well.From animals to humans==From cats:Cat scratch fever=bacterialPlague=a rare bacterialToxoplasmosis=parasiticRabies=viralHook worms= parasiticQ fever=bacterialRing worm=fungalTape worm= parasiticFrom dogs:Campylobacter=bacterialCryptosporidium=parasiticLyme disease=bacterialRabies=viralRocky Mountain Spotted Fever= ticks bacterialFrom birds; Coccosis= fungalSalmonella= bacterialFrom Reptiles: Salmonella =bacterialFrom Horses:Leptospira = baterialRabies=rarelyFarm animals:BSE ( mad cow)E-coli=cows-bacterialYersinia=pigs-bacterialQ fever= bacterial cows,sheep,goatsBrucellacains= bacterialFrom Fish:Salmonella= from water
What are 2 diseases transmitted from animals to humans ?
Q: Plz help, get me answers quick, Thanks
A: West Nile, bird flu, Rabies, worms, mad cow, e. coli. and probably many more.
What is the word for diseases that pass from animals to humans?
Q: It starts with zoo. I used to know it, but now that I am an old dog, I seem to have forgotten it. Can anyone help?
A: Zoonoses (plural) or zoonosis (singular) are the nouns you are looking for.Zoonotic is an adjective. It depends on what you are after.
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