Can heat stroke kill you

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “Can heat stroke kill you”,you can compare them.

Yes, Heat Stroke can be fatal if not properly and promptly treated. It results in an elevated body temperature. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can heat stroke kill you
What kills more people each year than heat strokes?
Breast cancer kills more women than heart disease.

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on average, how many people a year get killed by heat stroke?
Q: I’m researching on heatstroke
A: About 400 each year
My dog died from heat stroke or heart attack we found her she was bleeding out her nose why does that happen?
Q: we had her on a long chain for the past 3 days so she doesnt chew at the door. she rain through my garden fence which is just plastic chicken wire stuff and pulled out the stake in the ground and we think from all the stress and heat of that she had a stroke or heart attack when we found her she was on her side and she was bleeding out of her nose and her eyes why did she bleed like that and have any of u lost a pet if so how did you get over it?cuz its killing me.thankswe have a fence and shes always taken the heat well her chain was long enough to go all the way around our back yard but not up to the door she had shade and water i took good care of her i don’t know why she did thatshe comes in around 5 and stays till we leave in the morning shes not outside all dayshe chewed on the door a while ago and she hadn’t done it in a while but we didnt want to take chances and she had a good amount of shade the chain was 35 feet long the only place she couldnt get was the door i didn’t want this to happen im sorry im not cruel i didn’t mean for this to happen
A: When a dog has a heat stroke, their internal organs bleed. If the stroke is caught and treated early, this will not happen. They will have bloody stool, urine, and blood will come out of every opening in their body. If it gets this far, there is nothing you can do for the dog. I am sorry this happened to you. I don’t think you did anything wrong as long as the dog had shade and water. Lots of people have dogs outside on chains. As long as they are loved and taken care of, it is not cruel! Only time will heal the pain, but it will get easier every day. Just don’t blame yourself!!
Which, hot or cold , would kill a fit human faster? (On earth)?
Q: Through heat stroke, hypothermia, frostbites, dehydration, etc etc…If in certain hottest or coldest places on earth, which one will kill faster through whatever the cause is?If there isn’t a definite answer, which one may be more dangerous or worse (your feelings and the situation)?
A: If the question is limited to climates that one may encounter on Earth, then the coldest climate will kill faster.The hottest temperature recorded on Earth was 57.8 °C (136 °F). This is about 20 degrees Celsius higher than normal body temperature. While it would be quite uncomfortable, one could survive for at minimum a few hours with no water, no protection, and no shelter. The coldest temperature recorded on Earth was −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F). This is about 120 degrees Celsius lower than normal human body temperature. With no shelter or protection (this means clothes) a person would freeze almost instantly.The bottom line is that the human body is very good at maintaining the proper core body temperature at 36.8 °C (98.1 °F), but when faced with environmental extremes, the thermodynamic homeostasis mechanisms would be no match for a 120 degree Celsius difference in temperature.
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