Can drinking cranberry juice get rid of a yeast infection

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Drinking cranberry juice can help in cleaning out the urinary tract, and help to keep it healthy, and potentially help in MORE? [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can drinking cranberry juice get rid of a yeast infection
Will taking yeast infection pills & drinking cranberry juice …?
You can try yogurt, apply it directly to the infected area, this is one messy method but it works. Good Luck.
How long do you get rid of yeast infection if you drink cranberry…?
Cranberry juice is for a urinary tract infection (recent studies show this may not really have an effect.) For a yeast infection you need to get medication, Monostat is an over the counter cure.
Does drinking water and cranberry juice help in yeast infection??
No. Cranberry juice helps prevent urinary tract infections by changing the urine’s acidity to make the bladder less hospitable to bacteria, but cranberry juice does not treat a UTI. Neither does it address a yeast infection. If you have a…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Will taking yeast infection pills & drinking cranberry juice make me get rid of a yeast infection?
Q: help please!!!
A: You can try yogurt, apply it directly to the infected area, this is one messy method but it works.Good Luck.
will drinking cranberry juice help rid a yeast infection like it does a bladder infection?
A: There is no evidence in the literature to suggest that cranberry juice will help prevent or treat a yeast infection. In fact, since cranberry juice often contains a lot of sugar, it may actually increase your chances of yeast infection. Studies have demonstrated that a diet high in sugar and carbohydrate can increase susceptibility to vaginal yeast infection.Some sources advocate for the use of yogourt to prevent yeast infection. Unfortunately, there is little solid evidence to suggest that yogourt helps either. Many brands of yogourt claiming to contain live cultures of beneficial bacteria actually do not contain sufficient numbers of viable bacteria by the time you get them home. Plus, unless you’re buying sugar-free yogourt, the high sugar content is as problematic as the cranberry juice.
How could I get rid of my yeast infection fast?
Q: I’m 13, and I think I have a yeast infection. It’s not THAT bad, it’s just itching, and yellow/white discharge. But I’m a virgin, don’t worry. I don’t want to go to the doctor, but I’m gonna drink a lot of water and cranberry juice, and eat 2 cups of yogurt a day. Do you think this will work, and how long will it take?Any other suggestions?Thanks. 🙂
A: You probably don’t have a yeast infection. I think what you have is a UTI (Urinary Track Infection.) Not seeing the doctor may be a bad idea considering it could get worse. UTI’s are common — even 4 year olds get them. UTI’s are usually triggered by wiping to hard or wiping the wrong way (if you’re wiping from back to front, that’s what has caused this. And if you are, STOP THIS NOW, it’s really bad. You’re only really supposed to “pat” three times.)You should probably consult a doctor. They’re not going to ask to “see you” they’re just going to ask to see a urine sample. And after they get the results back they’ll give you a ten pills to take every morning for ten days. The method you’ve chosen will probably work but may take a month. Again, I suggest to see a doctor.If you refuserefuserefuse to see a doctor and after a months time it’s not getting better, send me an E-mail and I’ll see if I can’t help you from there.
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