Can contacts get stuck to your eyes

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Contact lens stuck in eye is not something serious. It is a general problem which occurs in almost every contact lens wearer. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can contacts get stuck to your eyes
Can contacts get stuck in your eye?
A contact can not roll to the back of your eye and get stuck there (that is one of my favorite optical myths) but it can get folded and get stuck in the corner of your eye or up under your eyelid. If this happens, the best thing to do is po…
Do your Contacts ever get Stuck in your Eyes??
Yes! And then I try to pull them off and I feel like I’m gonna pull the whole damn eyeball out.
Can contact lens get stuck on your eye?
Well Don’t pick at it. You might hurt your conrneas or something. Just compare your eye with the contact in it to the other eye. The one with the contact should have a noticeable film over it. Your contact can not get stuck to your eye. How…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it true that if contacts get stuck in your eyes that you need surgery to get them out?
A: Any time you want to get your eyes out, it will require surgery of some sort.Why don’t you just remove the contacts instead? You may need eye drops if you fall asleep with them in.
Can contacts get stuck behind your eye?
Q: Ok, I know this sounds silly but I have never worn contacts before and I’m scared of them going behind my eye and getting stuck there, or breaking apart and little bits going behind there. I tend to have dry eyes anyway but am worried about them being too dry with contacts and them falling apart.
A: No they can’t go behind your eye, occasionally they can fold and go under your eyelid but it’s not painful and it’s nothing to panic about, you can easily get them out just by pulling your eyelid up a bit. The conjunctiva (the tissue covering the white of your eye) is connected to the inside of your eyelids and stops this from things from being able to go behind your actual eye. If lenses could go behind your eye just think of all the dust and other crap you would collect behind your eye throughout your lifetime.
contacts stuck on eyes and and can’t come out!?
Q: Ok, this early morning , before going to cross country practice at 6:00 I put my contacts as usual put this time I put the right one and it kinda wiggled the wrong way. I tried to get it back to the center but it just kept getting further back in the eye. I had to hurry because I was running late so I just put my glasses on and went to practice. Hours later I finally managed to take them off after school but with all the tearing of the contact and rubbing it broke. I took the biggest chunk of contact out of eye, luckily cuz it was bothering me, but the small part that tore off is still stuck there. Problem is I can’t see it but I can feel the little piece still in there. Has anyone been through this too? What should I do? Will this cause some damage, maybe even permanent if its stuck there for a long time?? Help!
A: its not in there. it never is, no matter what it “feels”’re “feeling” the inflammation from your rubbing and trying to remove it. stop trying to remove it.a “piece” cannot be “embedded” in your cannot get “permanently stuck”. those are all myths/urban legends.its not in there.
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