Can a panic attack kill you

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A panic attack cannot kill you but the symptoms may mimic a heart attack. Such as tightness in chest. ChaCha on & have a great day! [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Can a panic attack kill you
Can a panic attack kill you?
No, they can’t kill you. It sure as hell feels like it though. I’ve been suffering from panic attacks since I was 9 years old. I’m only 28 now and I deal with anxiety and panic attacks daily. I don’t have PA’s daily anymore, but I still hav…
Can a panic attack from weed kill me?
To be honest my friend had a similar problem. He freaked out one time when we were all stoned and he thought he was gunna die. It’s happened to me. It can be 2 things. 1, your just not used to smoking pot yet. some people dont adjust to it …
Is Your Panic Attack Killing You?
Are you busy searching the internet for the Best Treatment for Panic Attacks? Since panic attacks are so painful and form a prolonged cycle, you are surely looking for a treatment that will solve your problem permanently and without pain o…

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Can a panic attack kill you?
Q: I have panic attacks & I am supposed to fly for a family member’s funeral.I haven’t flown for 10 years because of anxiety problems.PLEASE HELP
A: No, they can’t kill you. It sure as hell feels like it though. I’ve been suffering from panic attacks since I was 9 years old. I’m only 28 now and I deal with anxiety and panic attacks daily. I don’t have PA’s daily anymore, but I still have them about once a month. Typically around my premenstrual time. I’ve been on medications since I was 15 and I read everything I can on PA’s and anxiety. Try “cognitive behaviorial” techniques. Search for info on the web from reliable sources and take the positive info and store it in your mind for now and future use. It’s an on going battle, I know. Take deep breaths when you start to experience panic and keep telling yourself that what you are feeling is not harmful, even though it is frightening. Also, just tell yourself that there is nothing wrong with you, just that your “flight or fight response” was triggered for some reason. You won’t die. I keep telling myself that, “this too shall pass” and after a few minutes the worst of the worst is gone. You’ll be alright. Seek advice from an experienced counselor, psychologist, and/or psychiatrist. This condition is very treatable. Believe me! Good luck and never feel alone as I tend to do. We panic sufferers are out there and we need to band together! 🙂
does a great panic attack kill ???
Q: i suffer from panic attacks and i feel like i m going to die…. my friend says that this might kill , does it ???
A: When I have panic attacks, I feel like I can’t breathe, because I’m overworked, so no not really, at least not in my experience, you hyperventilate, so just try to calm down and breathe. But if these are as bad as you say I suggest always having someone in your house.
Hi can anyone please tell me can a panic attack kill you or whats the worst it can do to you can i be harmd…?
A: There has never been a death due to a panic attack, that is the truth.The very worst that can happen is that you will pass out but that is also the best thing that can happen as while you are unconscious, your breathing will go back into a natural pattern that will stop too much oxygen getting to your brain.If you would like to learn about panic attacks and how they occur and how to prevent them, please email me or join a website called NO MORE PANIC. It really can’t kill you but can make your life a misery. I wish you well and hope you will find the help you need.
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