Are there more signs of being pregnant

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “Are there more signs of being pregnant”,you can compare them.

Other signs of pregnancy include faintness, dizziness, mood swings, & constipation. The way to know for sure is to take a test. [ Source: ]
More Answers to “Are there more signs of being pregnant
What are signs of being pregnant?
Lower abdominal pains and light cramping Feeling sick/actually being sick Headaches Lower back pains Mood swings Certain foods/smells/colours make you feel/be sick Needing to pee more Exhausted Periods stop
Is Heartburn A Sign Of Being Pregnant?
There are many signs of being pregnant. That is one of them but if that is the only thing that you have seen that is different with your body i would say no but i am no doc. I hope that helps.
Is This A Sign Of Being Pregnant?
There are other signs to look for if you think your pregnant other then itchy nipples. Are they sore? Are your boobs fuller? Is the skin around your nipple getting darker? If so you could be pregnant. Also look for your period is it ge…

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Are there any early signs of being pregnant with twins?
Q: I’ve found out recently that I am 4weeks pregnant and just wondered if there are any signs which might point to it being twins. For example, I am already ridiculously exhausted, more so and earlier than with my first two children, and I’m extremely bad tempered! My mum is a twin so I think the chances are slightly higher that I could fall pregnant with twins, but I want to know if there’s anything in the early weeks (pre-scan) that would point to it being twins.
A: being pregnant with twins has the same symptoms as a regular pregnancy, just intensified. At four weeks, I don’t think any of the other symptoms (like increased size for gestation, or increase fetal movement) would manifest. I don’t think there is a sure way to know at this point…but good luck!
What are all the signs of being pregnant? I trust experienced people more than websites.?
Q: My boyfriend and I think I’m pregnant, but we’re not sure yet. I was wondering if someone could tell me what all the symptoms are. Thanks.
A: Well some signs that you are pregnant could be:sore breasts, cramps, spotting (light bleeding-could be mistaken for a period), fatigue, nipple darkening, nausea, bloating, peeing more often, cravings, headaches, constipation, mood swings, BBT(basal body temperature) Now many of these could also mean that your period is comming,so if you really want to be sure, just take a pregnancy test, or go visit your doctor.
are there any signs to being pregnant after only a few days?
Q: i had sex on saturday, its now monday. but we didn’t use a condom and i kinda feel sick and i did yesterday too. other than that would there be an signs? or is it too early to be able to tell ?
A: No just nerves 🙂 Takes about 2 weeks for the egg to actually get fertilized by the sperm ect, the sperm can actually live in you for up to 7 days before reaching the egg. You are just nervous 🙂 Wait until your period then get nervous if it doesn’t come! Otherwise you are fine :)Good luck, Toni Lynne
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