What’s Wrong With Soft Drinks?

Perhaps you are convinced that water is the healthiest drink, but probably later you say to yourself that all the other drinks are much more delicious! This is logical But it seems many of us do not know the high price we pay for soft drinks.

Here’s a little information that might change your mind about soft drinks:

• The active ingredient in Coke (and other carbonated beverages) is phosphoric acid, which has a ph of 2.8. It’s highly acidic. Put a nail in phosphoric acid, and it will dissolve within four days.

• Phosphoric acid affects the body’s ability to use calcium, which causes osteoporosis and/or softening of the bones and teeth.

• A can of non-diet soda contains an average of 10 teaspoons of sugar, 150 calories, 30-55 mg of caffeine and high amounts of food colorings and sulfites (salts of sulfuric acid).

• Research published in June 2004 argues that women who drink at least a can a day of non-diet soda have an 85 percent higher chance of developing diabetes than women who drink less than one can a day.

• Most new studies show that diet drinks (especially those sweetened by aspartame) are more harmful to health than non-diet soft drink. They also indirectly cause more weight gain. (The explanation is a bit complex, but in essence, diet drinks make us want to eat more carbohydrates, which are the main cause of obesity).

• Carbonated drinks harm the enamel layer that protects the teeth. The most damaging to enamel are non-cola drinks, including iced teas. The reasons for this are mainly various acids (acid filling, tartaric acid and others) which are added to the drinks.

• Aspartame, which is a common sweetener of diet drinks, has 92 different side effects (as far as have been studied in 2003), including brain cancer, birth defects, diabetes, emotional disorders and epileptic seizures. In addition, when aspartame is stored at a temperature exceeding 30 degrees Celsius, it becomes formaldehyde and methanol. These two substances combined makes the poison “fire ants” excrete – and both of these substances are carcinogenic. Excess methanol in the body is actually a death sentence.

• Aspartame often causes muscular dystrophy. The symptoms of this disease, similar to multiple sclerosis (MS), include vision problems, hearing and movement. For those who have this disease, stopping drinking diet soda has significant benefited their situation.

• Symptoms similar to those of lupus have been seen in people who used to drink Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi. For those who have stopped drinking these beverages, the symptoms disappeared.

• Aspartame is especially dangerous for diabetics. In many cases of retina detachment (and other eye problems), the main culprit is aspartame. These patients also have other symptoms, such as memory loss, spasms, panic attacks, anger and violence.

• A high percentage (at least one source claims that about 95%) of carbonated drinks contain caffeine. Excessive amounts of caffeine can cause sleep problems, high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat, high blood cholesterol level, lack of vitamins and minerals, breast lumps, birth defects and possibly even several types of cancer.

• The average boy in the United States drinks three or more cans of regular soda a day. 10% of the boys drink seven or more cans of soda a day. (Girls drink a little less.) Soft drinks are now a major cause of common health problems in the US. (Israel is becoming similar.).

• Soft drinks do not quench thirst on the cellular level. The body also needs to regain water and various minerals, which are lost in the process of neutralizing the acid.. It was just announced a few years ago, by a a famous American scholar, that “the Americans do drink a lot, but their body cells are thirsty most of the time”. Chronically thirsty cells (or in other words – a continuous state of drying time) are common today, and are a major cause of many common ailments like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type 2 diabetes, asthma, allergies, some of autoimmune diseases, and so on.

And here are some additional tips:

1. In many states, the highway patrol carries two gallons of Coke in the truck to remove blood from the highway after a car accident .

2. You can put a large steak in a bowl of Coke, and the steak will be gone in two days.

3. To clean a toilet: Pour a can of Coke into the toilet bowl and let stand one hour. After an hour, then flush clean. Citric acid in Coke removes stains from the toilet.

4. To remove rust of a car battery: Pour a can of Coke on the terminals of the batteries to dissolve all the rust.

5. To release a rusty lock: Wipe the lock with a rag soaked in Coke over the rust.

6. To remove oil (and grease) from clothes: Empty a can of Coke into a load of greasy clothes, put the washing machine and wash as usual. The Coke will help loosen grease.

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