Traumatic Brain Injuries and Our Children

Cancer may be the first thing that comes to mind when you think of fatalities in children. But the leading cause is injury, and topping that injury list is traumatic brain injury. When you combine things like car accidents, ATV accidents, falls and sports related injuries, it’s hard not to see why. Most children visit the emergency room because of Traumatic Brain Injury.

Why are our children so vulnerable to traumatic brain Injury?

Children are generally very resilient. Their bones aren’t as calcified as adult bones, making them softer. Instead of their bones taking in the forces of trauma, the internal organs absorb most of the blow. This obviously relates to the skull which isn’t fully formed until late adolescence or early adulthood, leaving the brain more at risk. Because of this children have a very different response to traumatic brain injury than adults.

What are the best treatment options for traumatic brain injuries in children?

The best thing you can do is go to a pediatric trauma care center. Doctors that treat all ages don’t necessarily have the day-in-day-out experience with the intricacies of young brains. A pediatric trauma center can offer you specially trained anesthesiologists, pediatric pharmacists, pediatric surgeons and pediatric neurosurgeons. Their expertise gives injured children the best chance at survival and recovery.

What can we do to prevent brain injuries in children?

Many accidents are preventable. Children should always be placed in child safety seats or booster seats when riding in the car and wear helmets when riding bikes, playing contact sports, extreme activities and skateboarding. There are also ways to make your home safe by installing window guards and safety gates, and by locking away all firearms. By taking these precautions we have a greater chance to reduce the number of brain injuries in our children.

If your child has a brain injury, you need legal representation every bit as specialized as the medical care they need. The attorneys at Fisher Stark Cash, P.A. are familiar with the brain, the neurological system and the various effects and types of brain injuries. Our attorneys will provide the resources to conduct a proper investigation into the causes of the injury and increase the likelihood of full compensation for those injuries that are unable to heal.

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