Top Five Cost-Effective Energy Saving Home Improvements

“Green washing” is a new word that means to take advantage of a consumer by claiming that a product is good for the environment, is ecofriendly or reduces greenhouse gases, when in fact it fulfills little or none of these claims. Green washing is a huge part of the green home improvement industry and bilks homeowners out of millions of dollars each year. Use this guide to getting the most out of your energy saving home improvements and be sure to get a great return on your minimal investment.

Seal Air Leaks

One of the biggest wastes of energy in a home is to allow hot or cold air to enter the home when heating or cooling the interior of the structure. Air leaks occur around windows, doors, outlets, switch plates, crawlspaces, basements and exterior walls of the home. To find an air leak, turn off all the heating/cooling equipment in the home, close all vents and shut the doors and windows. Light an incense stick and waft the smoke around where the home is most susceptible to air leaks. If the smoke billows, you have an air leak that needs to be addressed.

Install Shutters and Storm Doors

You don’t have to spend a fortune retrofitting your older energy inefficient doors and windows. By installing interior/exterior shutters and storm doors, you can better insulate your existing home without spending a fortune on materials and contractors. Best of all, shutters help add an architectural appeal, providing your home with money making curb appeal and increased resale value.

Seal Heating Ducts and Equipment

Older air ducts and equipment lose lots of energy when ducts are loose or damaged from neglect and age. Seal all old heating/cooling ducts using metal duct tape around each of the seams. Older metal ducts may be uninsulated. Remedy this situation by insulating the ducts yourself and save big.

Lighting Upgrades

Conventional incandescent light bulbs are huge energy wasters. If you haven’t already, upgrade all of your existing bulbs with compact fluorescents called CFL’s. These bulbs will save you a fortune on energy each month and last nearly twice as long as conventional incandescent bulbs. If you’re upgrading the entire lighting fixture, opt out for an LED fixture. These mini-bulbs use far less energy than a CFL and last far longer.

Ghost Power Consumption

Ghost power consumption is when an electronic device saps energy 24/7 even when the device is turned off. LED displays on stereo equipment, home computers and even cell phone chargers are ghost power hogs. Use a power strip with an on/off switch for your electronic devices. That way, when you leave the house or go to bed at night, simply turn off the switch with the rest of the lights to cut down on your energy use.

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