The Top 3 Unhealthy Breakfast Choices

Supermarket breakfast staples may seem like harmless convenience foods, popular with kids and an easy option for busy mornings, but the wrong choices could be impairing your health and productivity. Because people tend to eat the same thing for breakfast every day, improving your breakfast routine may have lasting health benefits. The best breakfasts will help you feel satisfied and energetic longer, so you can avoid the 11am doldrums and power through until lunch. Read on to see the most popular bad choices, and easy alternatives for a similar meal you can feel good about eating.

Sugary breakfast cereal

Kids usually love sugary cereals, and no wonder–some cereals are more than 50% sugar by weight, according to The Environmental Working Group, a public health nonprofit. To put that in perspective, a single cup of cereal can contain as much sugar as a Twinkie. Making matters worse, many cereals are made with refined grains, which have been stripped of the nutritious outer fiber found in whole grain. After a sugary meal, blood sugar rapidly spikes and just as quickly crashes, leaving you feeling sluggish and craving more sugar mid-morning.

Alternative: Examine nutrition labels carefully to make sure the cereal you choose is low in sugar. Look for a cereal with the word “whole” in the first ingredient of the ingredient list, and 3-4 grams fiber per serving, which will help you feel full longer. Don’t be fooled by labels that list “wheat flour”; this is just refined white flour masquerading as a whole grain. Try adding a handful of berries to sweeten cereal naturally, and to sneak in an antioxidant-rich fruit serving at the same time.

Frozen waffles

Frozen waffles are usually made from refined flour, and all too often find their way to the table slathered in butter and liberally doused in a pool of sugary syrup. Unfortunately, butter is full of artery-clogging saturated fat, and the temporary sugar rush won’t last.

Alternative: Look for whole grain waffles, and try topping them with cut-up seasonal fresh fruit. If that doesn’t satisfy your sweet tooth, try a portion-controlled option to added sugar, like dusting a teaspoon of powdered sugar over your waffle.

Processed meats

Incorporating protein into breakfast is a great idea because protein slows down gastric emptying, leaving you feeling satisfied longer. However, most bacon and breakfast sausages are high in fat and contain potentially harmful preservatives known as nitrites and nitrates. According to the nonprofit World Cancer Research Fund, these chemicals have been linked to cancer, and processed meats containing them should be avoided.

Alternative: Try turkey bacon or chicken sausages, which are often lower in fat than traditional types made with pork. Aim for less than 30% of total calories from fat, and look for packages labeled “nitrite/nitrate free.”

Start your day with a healthy breakfast, and you may find yourself feeling better throughout the day. You may even be inspired to make wiser choices at lunch and dinner, as well!

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