Skincare Products and Pregnancy

Congratulations on the impending birth of your baby. You are excited. Now you may also be worried about what is safe and what isn’t safe for you to do. You know that everything you do not only affects you. Now everything affects the health of your newborn baby. This may even mean that you are worried about what skincare products you can use.

You pick up your favorite lotion and there are so many ingredients in it. You don’t recognize all the words. Will some of these ingredients hurt your baby? What is safe now for you to use? You want to continue looking beautiful? You want your skin to continue being soft? You know hormone changes will be affecting your skin? What are you to do?

First, calm down and breathe. Secondly, do some research.

According, to the website the following is a list of ingredients that are safe to use. These can be found in a number of skin care products. They are;

Glycolic Acid AHA (alpha hydroxyl acids) Lactic Acid

However, there are also some ingredients you need to avoid. This same article states that you should be avoiding these ingredients:

Adapelene BHA (beta hydroxy acid) Differin Renova Retin-A Retinoic acid Retinol Retinyl linoleate Retinyl palmitate Salicylic acid Tazorac and avage (Tazarotene) Tretinoin

What should you do if your favorite lotion contains these ingredients? You should pack that lotion away for the time being and keep it for future use (after the baby is born and after you are done breast feeding). If you are afraid you will accidentally use it, you should just throw it away to be safe.

What about Eco-Friendly Products?

These may be safe for you to use. However, again read the labels to make sure. As you are reading, consider any allergies you may also have.

Yes, this is a magical time of your life. However, it also needs to be a time when you are careful what you eat, ingest and put on your body. Remember whatever you do right now, you are doing for two.

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