Six Pounds Gained and One Title Lost

If I was fired from a job for gaining six pounds, I’d sue! I’d sue for thousands of dollars for every pound gained, and when I get the money, I’d buy a chocolate cake to celebrate.

For ex-beauty queen Cynthia de la Vega, however, suing may have ran through her pretty, little head and it may have made her feel a little less inadequate. But still, she has lost the coveted title of Miss Mexico and the many opportunities that came with winning the pageant, including a chance to compete for Miss World.

Though fulfilling the physical requirements of being Miss Mexico, including keeping slim and trim, is an important duty for all pageant winners, most beauty pageants have strict weight requirements that seem impossible for ordinary women. And beauty queens like de la Vega are humans too.

While pageant organizers claim that de la Vega was stripped of her title because of a “lack of dedication and discipline,” what really happened was someone’s lack of acceptance for girls with only six pounds of extra weight.

Many young girls struggle with body image issues and go to lengthy distances to look perfect. Now, with a healthy and beautiful beauty queen losing so many hard-earned opportunities for success over six mere pounds, how can other girls get the confidence they need?

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