Sir Laurence Sapphire Thief on the Beast of the Rockies, Episode Four

Unbeknownst to Sir Laurence, Enric is hiding in the cupola, Spying! He is after Sir Laurence’s secret Sapphire Steam Generation Device plans for the German Kaiser, Wilhelm the Second. He waits and watches the action below him, in the clanking caboose. He observes Sir Laurence open the secret compartment, remove the strongbox and force the lock. Sir Laurence transfers the sapphires to his Black Leather Satchel, and Enric strikes! Enric leaps out of the cupola onto Sir Laurence’s back! Sir Laurence is knocked to the floor, but having caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of his eye, manages to roll sideways casting Enric against the boiler of the Steam Powered Ginger Ale device. Enrics hand is crushed against the flaming boiler by Sir Laurence’s shoulder and he screams, “You crazy, I will kill you!” Sir Laurence yells back, “You bloody fool, you could not kill a shavetail!” So yelling, he elbows Enric in the face, blinding him with blood from a burst nose. Sir Laurence then grabs Enric by the hair and drags him out the rear door of the caboose to the platform. He hangs Enric off the rear of the clanking platform, holding his head down near the singing rails and clicking cross ties.”Who in blazes are you, and what do you want with me?” Hisses Sir Laurence. “Tell me now or die, scoundrel!” Enric’s face, red and bloody, gleams with anger and terror, he gulps and can’t speak. His hands clutch at thin air, trying to get to Sir Laurence’s throat but he is powerless! Kill me then, Ace, I have failed my Kaiser, but I will tell you nothing!” Croaks Enric! Sir Laurence, recognizing the futility of gaining information, heaves Enric off the side of the caboose. Enric tumbles down the embankment into the rocks and cactus in the gulch below. Sir Laurence, Laughing, yells, “You did a bang up job of that, Spy!”

Sir Laurence returns to the interior of the caboose, grabs a stein and fills it with Steaming Hot Ginger Ale, quaffs a huge draught, and wipes his face with a handkerchief dipped in Ale, to remove the sweat and flecks of blood from Enric. “Who is that German?” He muses. “I do believe he is big trouble!” He locks the doors of the caboose, relieves Gregory of his firearm. “Sorry boss, I can’t have you getting loose and gunning for me.” He says. Gregory glares up at him and says, “You don’t have to worry none, Ace, I am not feeling too sunny, you have nothing to fear from me.” “Ok, boss, I will be off this train soon, and I don’t mean any more hurt to you.”

Sir Laurence climbs into the cupola with his Ginger Ale, to enjoy the Utah scenery until Green River. Kicking his feet up on the clanking windowsill, he gazes out at the passing Book cliffs, with their millions of years old strata gleaming under the early winter sun, all the color layers glowing, with the lovely cap of fresh snow on all the ridge tops and plataus. “Ah, this is the country of my love!” He yips! “Alright, lets get this train a tripping!” He raises his stein to the gods and goddesses of the land, he quaffs the brew, he gets drunk as a skunk!

Down below, in the caboose, Gorge regains consciousness, and bleerily looks over at Gregory, “Wha… What Happen, Where dat Hard Case?” “Up in the cupola, Gorge, and you leave it be, he has my Steam Pistol and it is loaded with dry ice pellets! You don’t need to mess with that!” Sternly, Gregory replies to Gorge. “Ok, Boss. I’ll just clean up your face and get you some Ginger Ale then.” Mumbles Gorge. “That is mighty obliging of you.” Mumbles Gregory through his swollen lips.

In the Beast, Jess pulls the whistle and eases back on the throttles, slowing for the approach to Green River. In the caboose, Sir Laurence nonchalantly climbs down from the cupola. He grins at Gorge and Gregory, bends to untie Gregory, “Well, thank you gentlemen for all your help. you will not realize it, but you have just helped President Cleveland a bit You may not get any medals, but know that there is more to this business than most realize.” “Indeed, there is more Cheap Steak ahead at the junction of Newport and Juniper” He quips, laughing to himself. Gregory shakes his head, rubs his sore nose, shakes his hands around, clambers to his feet and sits at his desk. “Can’t say as I know rightly what you are on about, but I don’t have no hard feelings, Hard Case.” “Ah great boss! I’ll just return your fire arm and be off now, before the Green River station.”

With that, Sir Laurence, places the Pistol on Gregory’s desk, and rushes out the rear door of the caboose, and looking intensively ahead, spies the bridge over the Green River! As the train slows, clanking up towards Green River, squeelling and slowing into town, over the bridge, Sir Laurence readies himself, donning a waterproof outfit over his suit, and a water breather, and He Leaps Off The Train Into the Green River!

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