Review: Utz Party Mix

Some time ago, my wife got a box full of Utz potato chips and other snacks from her family as a birthday present (we weren’t able to buy this brand here until very recently). Most of the chips in the box were Sour Cream and Onion or some other common variety. However, she also had one bag of something we hadn’t seen before; Utz Party Mix.

We were trying to save this bag for a special occasion. However, our youngest daughter had other ideas and, after insisting on having it for the past couple of weeks, we finally gave in and let her have it. However, in an effort to satisfy my curiosity, I decided to try some of this too.

I had to admit, it was pretty good.

I have had plenty of other party mixes from other brands in the past and have never really noticed any real difference between them. Some might have a slightly different variety or different quantities but most of them seem to be pretty much the same as the others. That is not something I would say about this brand.

First of all, the variety in the party mix was actually pretty impressive. The combination was actually somewhat different from other brands and included things like tortilla chips, pretzels and barbecue corn chips (something I have never had before). When I first saw this combination, I was a bit concerned it would be a bit on the spicy side (mostly because of the corn chips); something that really concerned me with my daughter eating this too. But, it turns out it was actually milder than I expected. There was a bit of a kick overall. But, it wasn’t anything too strong.

Another thing I liked about this was each of the items seemed to be in the mix in an equal quantity. This is important to me because I don’t like the idea of buying a so-called party mix only to have it be almost all pretzels or all tortilla chips (and I have had a few that were like that). This company seems to have made that extra effort and I appreciate that.

In fact, if it were something that I could find around here, I think it is a party mix I would buy the next time I had a get-together at our house or even for just us the next time we had a movie night or were watching a Packers game. If you have an opportunity to buy this, I definitely recommend doing so.

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