Pass Me My Pumpkin Pie!

There’s nothing like the spicy yet sweet aroma of fresh-baked pumpkin pie-

Especially when my nose catches a lasting wif, when it passes me on by.

Patiently, I sit at my Thanksgiving table with all of my beloved family and friends.

We dine on juicy tasty turkey, slop around in our mashed potato and gravy boats,

and slurp on the big pot of warm noodles that soak deliciously in their flavorful broth.

Although my stomach begins to bloat, I try to save the best for last.

There’s nothing that I want more than that slice of pure pumpkin blast.

It’s so much fun spooning a wallop of cool-whip and smearing it around on my slice.

I even add a little extra on the side-because it just tastes so nice.

Sometimes the decadent taste, the sweet cinnamon, the oh so flavorful taste of pumpkin pie..

It’s just too much….the melt in my mouth along with the crumbly pie crust..

I just can’t seem to help it…the wonderful taste…it just makes me wanna cry.

So as I sit patiently, and ever do I do…

I allow my stomach to settle, because I want my slice of pumpkin pie too.

Finally ma brings it out to the table-

We oooh and ahhh and take in the Thanksgiving dessert scents.

I try to hold back as much as I am able…

The first slice gets passed on down to little cousin Timmy…

of course, it’s quite respectful for the little ones to get their taste first..

Then the next goes to grandpa Jim…

Ahh..okay-we can go ahead and give it to him.

My eye watches that pie like a hawk seeking its prey…

Hey-pass some of that pumpkin pie my way!

More pie goes on by…

Grandma……uncle Tom…. another cousin….and yet another…

How many cousins do I have anyway!?!

Finally-one last sliver of a pie sits lonely in its pan…

It gets served to my little brother Bo…

…My eyes begin to swell….my nose starts its sniffle..

Ahh ma, I waited so patiently-I swear I really did

How can you take away my sweet pumpkin reward?..

After-all….I’m just a kid…

Oh my sweet pumpkin pie…

It’s all I ever wanted…

Is there even a crumb or just a small lick?

Oh, I think I could just die..

Oh please, please pass me my pumpkin pie!

Looking about the room,

I noticed mom is no longer in sight…

And then my nose begins to detect that cinnamon aroma smell…

Oh Yippee, oh yay! Is that what I think it is??

Here comes ma with another fresh-baked pie straight from its oven home…

She cuts a healthy portion of a slice and dollops a large spoonful of cool-whip onto my dinner plate..

And even places some to the side-just the way I like..

My lips start to tremble,

Tears well up in my eyes…

Oh heavenly day..

I finally get my awaited sweet pumpkin pie…

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