Over the River and Through the Woods

Imagine yourself to be a student of the University. You are in a rush and those hallowed halls of academia are just up the road. There is one slight problem. Up the road is literally up. A steep hill of a mountain where homes reside and your destination sits atop. You are starved for food before classes which you have just enough money to acquire but you absent mindedly left your school I.D. in your sock drawer. Perhaps even in your drawers drawer. So you won’t be using that I.D. for any free rides on the public transit. Nevertheless, you pick up some cheap protein at the fast food joint, scarf them down the gullet, and your on your way to hike up to higher learning.

Nutrition science can show us the benefits of what is at play here. One of the reasons we are the fattest nation in the world is that we don’t extract what benefits there are from a cheap fast food burger. The starches and carbohydrates inherent in the buns and sauces go largely unutilized by most. Effectively, getting stored aside by the body as a toxin that eventually affects metabolism and insulin levels that are unreleased. Problems eventually show up in the form of extra body fat, hypoglycemia and varying forms of the diabetic condition.

But as the adrenaline levels of a rushed student conquers the hill, an opposing dynamic takes place. Now we see the benefits of those very same compounds being extracted and put to work. The physical exertion feeds more oxygen to the blood, which in turn feeds the muscles. Vital compounds such as electrolytes, depending on what you consume, are being dispensed more efficiently by the blood through this process.

The dietary carbohydrates that were once part of a burger are now being mined by the body for its glucose. The brain is starved for as much glucose as it can get. So the DNA programs the body fluids to send high levels of glucose and proteins to circulate and absorb through and around the brain. This fuels and motivates the brain with a combination of being fed with the glucose and protein, along with a signaled chemical boost of serotonin and dopamine. Once the brain is feeling good and energized, the body naturally follows suit by burning the fuel left in the saturated fat protein and the otherwise harmful starches and gluten left in the carbs. So instead of the body setting aside these harmful ingredients as toxins that later poison the internal biological environment, it turns these dietary poisons into useful fuel.

But the internal pharmacy of the body was signaled to activate, in this instance, because of the act of physical exertion, movement, exercise and vigor. In other words, one has to actually do work to reap the benefits of the fruit of ones labor. It seems food and drugs have become a magical cure-all for our wealthy empire.

Let’s begin with a deficiency of Biotin. A lack of which can bring about depression, nausea, vomiting and other problems. There is a list of 39 prescribed drugs referenced by Dr. Frederic Vangini and Dr. Barry Fox as published in the “Side Effects Bible” in 2005, that will strip you of this important vitamin and induce the above symptoms.

Biotin is a member of the family of B vitamins and invokes a strong immune system, healthy nerves, sex glands and extracts energy from carbohydrates, fat and protein. In the process to professionally help replace drugs that supposedly alleviate suffering, get adequate doses of Biotin per day with 3 1/2 oz.’s of barley, peanut butter or oatmeal. Get mega doses per day with 3 1/2 oz.’s of rice bran, cooked soybeans or cooked beef liver.

Folic acid is another crucial B vitamin being stripped away by a list of 51 prescribed drugs. When these drugs get in the way it prevents folic acid from helping the body to manufacture and maintain new cells and to protect cells against potentially cancerous changes. Notice how most prescribed drugs induce atrophy or inactivity. Creating a zombie out of their victims. This is due in part to the alcohol, sugars and caffeine ingredients that help to wear down brain synapses. Science has proven that simple inactivity actually weakens and destroys the brain cells and neuron connections; thus shrinking the brain. This can be remedied by many dietary nutrients, educating yourself, exercise and B vitamins such as folic acid. Folic acid is necessary to make red blood cells. It also aides in the production of DNA and RNA, which in turn, is used to manufacture new cells. Folic acid helps to protect cells from DNA damage, that can turn them cancerous. Symptoms of folic acid deprivation are anemia, lack of healthy appetite, weight loss, irritability, diarrhea, headaches, heart palpitations, general weakness and sore tongue.

Get good doses of folic acid in green leafy vegetables, spinach, dried peas and beans, other veggies and fruit, fortified grains and cereals, beef liver that is braised, boiled asparagus, orange juice, broccoli and turnip greens.

I would not see it proper without mentioning vitamin D. This “sunshine vitamin” functions as a hormone also. It’s hormonal task actually helps with mood and the feeling of “get up and go” and wanting to live life. This activity and good mood that vitamin D hormone promotes is the building of new brain cells, along with the folic acid. And also magnesium, which staves off confusion and personality changes. Magnesium is found in Florida avocado, toasted wheat germ, dry roasted almonds, shredded wheat cereal and pumpkin seeds.

There are 28 different prescribed drugs that interfere with vitamin D. Just 10 minutes of sunshine absorbed by the skin is an adequate dose per day. Also available in huge doses in salmon that is cooked, cooked mackerel, sardines canned in oil and cooked eel. Along with vitamin D fortified almond milk and cows milk.

Oxygen is invisible, all around and very real. It is necessary for life. It feeds the circulatory system which gives life to the brain, the heart, the muscles, the whole body. Similarly, God is invisible, all around and very real indeed. He is necessary for the life and existence of everything. He breathes the breath of life into the soul of man which feeds his spirit. Giving spiritual life to his work, relationship, creativity and intellect.

This is the same God that gave nourishment to the cripple in Lystra through St. Paul, causing him to leap and walk. The spiritual life in Paul was so potent, the Lycaonians named Paul Mercurius and named Barnabas Jupiter as though they were gods come down in the likeness of men. They of course were mere mortals (Acts 14).

Let us not forget that the whole point of manifesting good health is a simple idea for a spiritual reality. Otherwise we miss the meaning of everything in life. “…in that he did good and gave us rain from heaven, and fruitful seasons, filling our hearts with food and gladness.” -Acts 14:17

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