Natural Relief for Interstitial Cystitis Pain

Interstitial Cystitis is a chronic inflammatory condition of the bladder that causes a lot pain for those who
have it. It mimics the pain of a bladder or urinary tract infection. I suffer from this condition, on an almost daily basis.

The pain I experience with Interstitial Cystitis is unbearable. It stops me from whatever I am doing when it is severe. It is almost as if I am being stabbed with a knife or I am urinating glass and it is cutting me up inside. The pain may last for a half hour, an hour, a few hours or more. I never know when it will strike or how long it will last.

Unfortunately, there is no real cure for this condition, so as of now, I have been trying to find relief of my symptoms. If you have been diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis (IC) then you may also find some relief in these remedies as well.

I wrote an article on Associated Content about living with the pain of IC. Since then, I have been trying different things to alleviate the pain and discomfort of this condition.

I used to use Ibuprofen to help with my IC but long term use of Ibuprofen is not really a good idea. Plus, I’ve noticed that when I use it now, I don’t get as much relief as I used to. My body may have built a tolerance to it.

Now I use natural remedies. One of the remedies I use is called Hyland’s Homeopathic Bladder Irritation tablets. These tiny dissolvable tablets seem to take the edge off of the pain. I take 3 tablets when I feel the onset of a severe IC episode coming on. This homeopathic treatment can be found online at Amazon and other online stores. I’m not sure if it is sold in stores.

Another remedy I use that helps me a lot, is the use of a heating bag. I place a micro waveable heat bag in the microwave for a few minutes. Micro waveable heat bags can be found in stores, but I find more of them available at online stores.

After micro waving the heat bag, I place it on my bladder area and the heat seems to melt the pain away. This is actually one of the best remedies I’ve tried so far. I recommend a heat bag or heating pad for those who suffer with the pain of IC.

Drinking water is another well known remedy. I try to drink at least 6 8oz glasses or bottles of water a day. Sometimes when I don’t drink enough water, I can feel the pain starting in my bladder and urinary tract area. Dehydration will almost certainly cause me to have a severe IC attack.

As another remedy, I try to avoid certain foods and drinks that can and have triggered IC attacks. One of the foods that I avoid are citrus fruits, because they are acidic and cause my urine to burn. I stay away from orange juice.

Other foods that I avoid are spicy and hot foods. Almost every time I would have a spicy meal, I’d experience painful urination as a result. Alcoholic beverages can also cause a flare up of IC. I only drink alcoholic beverages about two times a month or at a social event. I make sure that when I do drink alcohol, I drink plenty of water before going to bed.

Stress can certainly contribute to an IC flare up. I notice when I am under a lot of stress, IC is much worse than usual. Finding ways to cope with stress, such as drinking hot teas, like Chamomile tea, or taking a hot shower, reading a book, whatever it may be, is another remedy to ease the flare up of cystitis. Lowering stress levels may be beneficial to IC.

These are the remedies I use to cope with the pain of IC. I am hoping that eventually there will be a cure for this painful condition. It can be disabling and cause interference with daily life. If you suffer from IC, know that you are not alone. Hopefully, you can find relief of your symptoms.

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