How to Set Up Your Coupon Notebook

Couponing with organization…a whole new necessity that has become a mini-job. The traditional accordion file for my coupons did not allow me to thoroughly see all my coupons and plan in an orderly fashion. After using my new coupon notebook for two weeks, I’ve saved $136 already that I probably would never have if I still stuffed files into the accordion system…missing coupon after coupon in a rush. Here is how I created my coupon notebook:

1. Purchase a binder that has a cloth covering with zipper that goes around all sides (handy in case it is dropped…items can’t fall out).
2. Insert a zippered pouch (or whole punched ziploc baggie) for the front to fill with a calculator (handy price comparisons), scissors, pen/pencil, and highlighter (for sales list).
3. Type a master grocery list (separated by store if you shop in multiple places) of items typically purchased and place this in a clear plastic sleeve. Review this before any shopping trip…it helps to not forget items!
4. Purchase baseball card holders (typically $4-5 at an office store) to store the coupons.
5. Add sticky tabs to the sides of holders to separate into categories (ex. baby, cleaning, beauty, pet food, cereals…I use containers and boxes as a category). Sticky tabs that are removeable as you change your system with time are helpful.
6. Pocket clear plastic folders (with 3 holes) to hold current weekly flier and old receipts for review.
7. A notepad for grocery lists or other ideas (recording amount saved, best time of month for particular sale items).
8. Most importantly, be sure to label your binder with your name and phone number with a note inside to please call you if this is ever left in a store. After all your efforts, you don’t want to loose this!
9. A single ziploc sandwich bag. I place my coupons that I plan to use for a shopping trip in this baggie because it is easy to also place in my pocket. I bring my coupon binder and put it in the cart for when an unexpected items comes up (ex. clearance item I have a coupon for), or when I need a tool (ex. calculator).

It is well worth the time spent to create an organized system so that all your coupons are ready to be pulled for a shopping trip. I hope some of these ideas will give you a jump start to your own organizational system!

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