How to Maintain a Classy Facebook Page

“Class is the sure-footedness that comes with having proved you can meet life.” -Ann Landers

There is no such animal as having too much class. All of us should be so fortunate! The truth is that not everyone is. It is true in our society and it applies to social networks like never before. Employers have been known to utilize them in their employment evaluations and they rely upon the information posted to make informed decisions about us, making the stakes very high. Why not show them and the world a person of class? It never goes out of style and can be a golden opportunity for self- expression.

Showing class on Facebook and other social networking sites isn’t a complicated undertaking. If you are a genuinely classy person, your page should reflect this quality about you. If you are not, your lack of class will tell a story of its own. It will not be a particulary flattering one. It is always possible to be a classy person that appears to be lacking in class by saying unflattering things or by posting half-naked pictures of themselves, but they seem to be in the minority.In my experience, people tend to be very classy or lack it all together and they do so consistently. I have had to delete people that I thought a lot of for choosing Facebook as a forum for axe grinding. I do not regret my decision to do so. If I had allowed it, I would have appeared to be as lacking in the class department as they were. I was building up to a writing career and had a reputation to protect. It was very much a sink or swim decision and I did not appreciate being placed in it. Misery always loves company and it is my advice to always delete people from your site that make you look and feel badly. There is nothing wrong with it and it isn’t bad manners. They are telling you by their actions that they do not respect you.

There are other notable ways in which people portray themselves in a negative light when using social networks. Airing family grievances or bullying others with abusive words is a big one. People that engage in these behaviors are telling the world that they are cowards, uncouth and that they do not respect themselves. There is enough negativity in the world without adding to it.

I always get a warm, fuzzy feeling toward my friends on Facebook, in particular when they share their artwork, a warm greeting and remember to acknowledge my birthday. These positive connections can truly be game changers when I am having the king of all bad days. I suspect that they are one of the reasons why so many of us love social networking sites.

Having stated my ideas about showing class on Facebook and other sites, I have compiled a list of things to do and avoid on social networking sites. They are as follows:

1. Always make an effort to remember the birthdays of your friends. It only takes a few seconds and it will brighten up their day.

2. If you can’t say anything nice, say nothing at all. Your mother was right!

3. Only write messages that reflect a positive attitude. Keep your audience in mind when writing anything. You may be very proud of your children or the person that you are dating, but your friends do not want to constantly hear about your private life. They have their own! A picture posting from time to time is acceptable, but not for everyday use.

4.If you borrow a picture, quote or status from a friend, always ask first. If you do so, you will usually get a positive response and respect in kind.

5. This is a really big issue, especially with parents- Do not curse or write profanity on the walls of your friends or on your status. It is unacceptable. A close second to this rule is for people that lack spelling skills. Nothing screams lack of intelligence more than adults that cannot spell. Anyone that can operate a computer, should be able to spell. This is why computers have spell checks.

6. Do not constantly post pictures on the walls of your friends. If you do so, make sure they are pictures that your friends want to see. It is always better to ask first.

7. Use the 21 questions and other applications with respect. Not everyone is going to care about what you think of them. It is very annoying to see these posts on your wall constantly. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Your friends may be placed in the position of deleting the app rights.

8.Treat others like you want to be treated. This may sound like common sense, but in my opinion it is not utilized enough.

9.Do not assume that just because a friend is avalible for IM, they are not busy. I always ask “Are you busy?” before I proceed with messaging. It is good manners.

10. Do project a positive profile and remember that it reflects who you are.

Nobody is perfect, but when you utilize good manners, people recognize them and appreciate your effort. Respect yourself first, others second and you will have a classy profile that people will want to see! Don’t be surprised if you make a lot of new friends along the way, too. Class is essential in projecting a positive image to the world.

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