How to Adjust to Gastric Bypass Surgery

You spent months talking with doctors, nutritionists, physical therapists, psychologists. You had a battery of lab tests and psych tests. You attended support group meetings and recorded every morsel of food in a diary. You finally had your gastric bypass surgery and you returned home. Now what? I had gastric bypass surgery in August, 2008 and hope that my experience will inspire and comfort anyone considering the surgery.

If you’ve just had gastric bypass surgery, chances are that you were on a liquid diet for two weeks before the surgery. Unfortunately, you have to remain on the liquid diet for two weeks after. Pudding and applesauce with protein powder added gets REALLY old after a few days. Just hang in there and realize that you’re doing what you need to for your body. Following doctor’s orders is better than a trip to the emergency room!

While I was healing, I thought it would be a great time to catch up on some reading. I attempted to read “Eat, Pray, Love” by Elizabeth Gilbert. Her wonderfully written descriptions of Italian food made it impossible for me to read the book. I used to be an Italian food junky and reading about food that I couldn’t eat just about drove me crazy.

Another activity that made me really regret having gastric bypass surgery was shopping in the grocery store. I didn’t realize how difficult it would be. I didn’t recognize how addicted to food I was until that point. I highly suggest not stepping foot in a grocery store until you are able to eat solid food on a regular basis. Ask a family member or friend to shop for you. Have your groceries delivered. There won’t be that many of them anyway.

Know that it will be really hard to watch TV for about the first month unless you can skip the commercials. There is food everywhere! I never knew there were so many food commercials until I had gastric bypass. Fortunately, food commercials don’t bother me at all now.

You will experience many emotions after your gastric bypass surgery such as joy and excitement when you step on the scale and see the weight loss. There will be mourning and regret also. Just know that the bad feelings will go away with time. If it feels severe or overwhelming, talk to your doctor about antidepressants. Talk to someone close to you about your feelings. A website that really helped me is You can ask questions to others that have had weight loss surgery and people will generously and kindly answer you.

It will be really tempting to eat solid food before you should. It will come right back up and it will be painful. Don’t do it! Take a nap instead.

Having bariatric surgery was difficult for me, but it was worth every bit of struggle. I look and feel great, have been dating steadily and am no longer embarrassed at family reunions. Congratulations for considering such a life-changing procedure.

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